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单词 春秋笔法

春秋笔法chūn qiū bǐ fǎ

the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals—the use of subtle and guarded language in criticism;a style of historical writing that connotes praises and censures
❍ 我只是随便评论几句,并无恶意,谈不上什么~。I merely made some casual comments and meant no harm,to say nothing of writing in an implicit style that connotes praises and censures.

春秋笔法chun qiu bi fa

euphemistically critical approach in historical narrative or other writings,said to have been adopted by Confucius in compiling The Annals

春秋笔法chun qiu bi fa

euphemistically critical approach in historical narrative or other writings,said to have been adopted by Confucius in compiling The Annals

春秋笔法chūn qiū bǐ fǎ

春秋:指孔子所编的《春秋》。现多指文笔婉转又暗含褒贬之意的写法。a style of writing in which the sublime words with deep meaning are used, the use of subtle and guarded language in criticism





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