星火燎原星星之火,可以燎原xīng huǒ liáo yuána little spark can cause a conflagration; a single spark can start a prairie fire; little chips light great fires ❍ 中国是全国都布满了干柴,很快就会燃成烈火。“~”的话,正是时局发展的适当的描写。(《毛泽东选集》98) All China is littered with dry faggots which will soon be aflame. The saying,“A single spark can start a prairie fire”,is an apt description of how the current situation will develop. ❍ 红旗招展,~,秋收起义和南昌起义的两支革命武装,会师在井冈山。(《东方红》朗诵词19) Red flags are flying. A single spark is setting the prairie afire. The revolutionary armed forces of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Up risings meet on the Jinggang Mountains! |