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单词 易如反掌

易如反掌yì rú fǎn zhǎng

as easy as to turn one’s hand over; as easy as falling off a log; as easy as my eye; on one’s head; with a wet finger
❍ 耍这挺净光发亮的机关枪真是~的事,怎么就不动呢! (冯志《敌后武工队》201) It’s as easy to get that newly repaired,shiny machine-gun as to turn your hand over. Why haven’t you taken action?/以齐王,由反手也。(《孟子·公孙丑上》) To raise Qi to the imperial dignity would be as easy as it is to turn round the hand.
❍ 兴兵讨曹贼,~,何必迁延日月? (《三国演义》 195) …to dispose of Cao is as simple as turning one’s hand; it is not a matter of months.


as easy as turning one’s hand over;as easy as falling off a log;like a piece of cake

易如反掌yì rú fǎn zhǎnɡ

容易得像翻转手掌一样。形容做事毫不费力,非常容易。the work of moment, on sb.’s head, as easy as turning one’s hand over, at a hand’s turn, easy as any eye, as easy as ABC





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