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❶ (容易) easy: 不 ~ 解决 not easy to solve; 简便 ~ 行 simply and easy to apply; ~ 患感冒 catch cold easily; be susceptible to colds; ~ 涝地区 areas liable to waterlogging; ~ 学 easy to learn; 老年人生活不 ~ 。Life is not so easy with old people.
❷ (平和) amiable: 平 ~ 近人 amiable and easy of access Ⅱ ❶ (改变; 变换) change: 移风 ~ 俗 change prevailing habits and customs; transform social traditions;~ 手 change hands
❷ (交换) exchange: 以物 ~ 物 barter; ~ 货协定 an agreement on the exchange of commodities Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 牙 Yi Ya
◆易变 mutability; 易货 barter; 易拉罐 zip-top can; pop-top can; ring-pull can; easy open can; 易燃 inflammable; combustible; burn like a matchwood [match]; 易熔 fusible; 易如反掌 as easy as to turn one's hand; at a hand's turn; as easy as winking; like picking up an oyster with three fingers; there is nothing to it; turn round one's little finger; 易[转]手 change hands; 易位 transsituation; translocation; 易于 easily; be apt to ...

liable to; susceptible to; subjectto





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