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单词 昏头昏脑

昏头昏脑昏头晕脑;浑头浑脑hūn tóu hūn nǎo

addlepated; muddle-headed; dizzy; feel COnfused in one's mind; infatuated
❍ 骂声打声脚步声,~的一大阵,他才爬起来,赌摊不见了,人们也不见了。(《鲁迅选集》上一55) Curses,blows and footsteps formed a confused medley of sound i n his head,and by the time he clambered to his feet the gambljng tables had vanished and s0 had the gamblers.
❍ 白天上课,晚上开讨论会,起床,睡觉,上操,唱歌……干什么都吹哨子;觉得昏头晕脑,紧的厉害。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》27) There were classes during the day. and diSCHSSion meetings at njght. Everything started with the blowing Of a whistie—getting up in the morning,going to bed at night,exercise,singing …They were on the go until they were dizzy. It was a fulI schedule.
❍ 方宇大概也让你们攻得~的了,叫他休息一下,清醒清醒头脑。(周而复《上海的早晨》I一503) Fang Yu probably feels rather confused in h is mind as a result of your attack. so if he has a rest it will give him a chance to think things out more clearly.
❍ 每日骑着这个驴,上县下乡,跑得昏头晕脑。(《儒林外史》 20) I trot about on this donkey to the county seat and back until my head reels.
❍ 有些党员受不起成功和胜利的鼓励,在胜利中~,…… (刘少奇 《论共产党员的修养》 6) Some members of our Party cannot withstand the plaudits of success and victory; thev 1et victories turn their heads. …


muddle-headed;confused and dizzy

昏头昏脑hūn tóu hūn nǎo

昏昏沉沉、神志不清、萎靡不振。muddle headed, dizzy, addlepated, infatuated, absentminded





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