释义 |
昏天黑地hūn tiān hēi dì❶heaven and earth turn black; in total darkness; pitch-dark; ❷ dazed and confused; decrepit and muddle-headed; ❸dark rule and social disorder ❍ 穷人的孩子蓬头垢面的在街上转,阔人的孩子妖形妖势娇声娇气的在家里转。转得大了; 部~的在社会上转,同他们的父亲一样,或者还不如。(鲁迅《热风·随感录二十五》 5 ) Tousled and grubby,the children of the poor roam the streets,while the pampered offspring of the rich alld mighty loll about at home. And,grown up,they all drift aimlessly through life,iust 1ike their fathers before them if not worse. ❍ 赶了几日旱路,又搭船走,~,一直走到了浙江乌镇地方。(《儒林外史》 106) For several days he fled on foot and by boat,scared out o f hi s wits。Finally he reached Wuzhen,a market-town in Zhejiang. ❍ 黑地昏天,这样收场难免。(孔尚任 《桃花扇 ·会狱》 180)Heaven and earth turn black; we shall share the same doom. 昏天黑地pitchdark;dizzy;lose consciousness;perverted;decadent;complete chaos 昏天黑地hūn tiān hēi dì形容天色昏暗,看不清方向;比喻社会黑暗混乱;也形容神志不清,糊里糊涂。dizzy, heaven and earth in darkness, dark rule and social disorder |