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单词 明目张胆

明目张胆míng mù zhāng dǎn

before one’s very eyes; brazenly;flagrantly; in broad daylight;openly
❍ 偷盗的方式也各有不同,有拨门撬锁秘密地偷,有根据合法手续,~地偷。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》146) The techniques varied: some people forced locks and stole secretly,while others used legal methods and stole in broad daylight.
❍ 这是~欺负人,欢喜简直忍不住想哭。(柳青《创业史》351) Liang the Eldest was obviously baiting him. The boy was nearly in tears.
❍ 如果真的不是敌人布好的局,那警备队员们敢这么~地来,又是什么原因?(冯志《敌后武工队》201) If it’s not a snare laid by the enemy,then why is it that the puppet soldiers dare to make this open and barefaced challenge?/但是,~地领着夜袭队砸车站,开枪打倒站长、副段长,恐怕他还不敢。(冯志《敌后武工队》239) But to openly take the Night Raiders to the station and wreck it and then kill the assistant station—master and the assistant section chief—he would scarcely dare to do that.


不敢~dare not speak out openly/~地进行武装干涉brazenly (or flagrantly) commit an act of armed intervention

明目张胆mínɡ mù zhānɡ dǎn

形容有胆有识,敢作敢为;现多形容公然做坏事,无所顾忌。brazenly, openly defiant, before one’s very eyes, fearing nothing, openly and wantonly





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