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单词 明珠暗投

明珠暗投míng zhū àn tóu

a bright pearl cast into darkness—a good person fallen among bad com pany
❍ 我很欣幸他的得释,就赶紧付给稿费,使他可以买一件夹衫,但一面又很为我的那两本书痛惜: 落在捕房的手里,真是明珠投暗了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—181) Delighted by his release,I immediately paid him for his translation so that he could buy a thinner gown. Still I was very sorry about my books falling into the hands of the police—bright pearls cast into darkness.
❍ 统曰: “从吾欲投曹操去也。”肃曰: “此~矣。……”(《三国演义》488) “I think I will join Cao Cao,” said Pang Tong suddenly. “That would be flinging a gleaming pearl into darkness,” replied Lu Su…

明珠暗投ming zhu an tou

❶person of talent or a thing of value unrecognized
❷good person falling among bad company

明珠暗投minɡ zhū àn tóu

比喻有才能的人没有得到重视;也比喻好人误入了坏人之中;也比喻珍贵物品落到不识货的人手里。cast pearls before swine, a good person fallen among bad company, fling a gleaming pearl into darkness





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:53:50