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单词 明枪暗箭

明枪暗箭míng qiāng àn jiàn

spear thrusts in the open and arrows shot from hiding—both open and covert attacks; attack by overt and covert means
❍ 现在正有许多正人君子和革命文学家,用~,在办我革命及不革命之罪,将来我所受的伤的总计,我就划一部分赔偿你的尊 “头”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—46) At this very moment many respectable gentlemen and revolu tionary writers,openly and covertly,are judging my crimes as a revolutionary or non-revolutionary,and a part of all the wounds I receive shall be a reparation to you for your “head”./可是现在不管他~,乌龟王八蛋,一下扫光。(曲波《林海雪原》551) Now whether they shoot openly or snipe in the dark,we’ll get them all in one sweep.
❍ 阶级斗争剧烈的今日中国,革命的群众、革命的领袖死在敌人的~中的不知几多! (《周恩来选集》上—27) In present-day China,where class struggle is so intense,innumerable revolutionary fighters and leaders have died under the enemy’s overt and covert attacks.

明枪暗箭mínɡ qiānɡ àn jiàn

比喻公开的或隐蔽的攻击。fight openly and snipe in the dark, both open and covert attacks, attack by overt and covert means





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