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单词 明察秋毫

明察秋毫míng chá qiū háo

have eyes sharp enough to perceive an animal’s autumn hair—be perceptible of the minutest detail; be able to penetrate deeply into all things
❍ 皇上左右的人,动不动就称颂陛下天纵英明,~,… (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—792) While the evil ones flatter and praise you for your brilliant leadership and insight,…/苛求君子,宽纵小人,自以为~,而实则反助小人张目。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—192) In this way the good are criticized harshly while the bad are treated leniently. And such a critic,who may think himself very sharp,is actually helping the bad.


be sharp-eyed enough to perceive the minutest detail; have an extremely discerning eye

明察秋毫mínɡ chá qiū háo

察:看;秋毫:秋天鸟身上新长出的细毛。比喻目光敏锐,连细小的东西都能看得非常清楚。be perceptive of the minutest detail, have the eye of a hawk, discover the minutest detail in everything, see into a millstone





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