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单词 明媒正娶

明媒正娶míng méi zhèng qǔ

a legal (/legitimte/proper) marriage; be properly married
❍ 我也不是~的,人家看不起。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—137) After all,I’m not your legal wife,and people look down on me.
❍ 你是~的,虽然没有生男育女,但总是这个呀。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—462) You’re his legitimate,properly-married wife and even though you haven’t given him any children you’re still this.
❍ 我劝你能着些儿罢! 咱们又不是~来的。(《红楼梦》885) I wouldn’t be so demanding if I were you. Yours isn’t a proper marriage.
❍ 无论他出身微贱,总是~的,是他的弟妇,怎么要卖到妓院里去?(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》255)No matter how lowly her origin,she had been properly married as his sister-in-law. How could he sell her into a brothel?/咱们龙须沟,别看地方又脏又臭,还是~,不乱七八糟!(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》44)…but here in Dragon Beard Ditch,never mind if it was filthy and stinking,we still had proper marriages,arranged by match-makers and decided by parents—not just done anyhow.

明媒正娶ming mei zheng qu

be legally and formally married

明媒正娶ming mei zheng qu

be legally and formally married

明媒正娶mínɡ méi zhènɡ qǔ

指公开经过媒人介绍,以正当方式迎娶的婚姻。marry into sb.’s house in an open correct manner, a legal marriage, a right and legal marriage





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