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单词 明哲保身

明哲保身míng zhé bǎo shēn

be wise in protecting oneself; be worldly wise and play safe; keep out of harm by discretion; take no side in a conflict in order to save oneself; use one’s wits to look after one’s own interests
❍ 既明且哲,以保其身。(《诗经·大雅·烝民》)Intelligent is he and wise,丨Protecting his own person;…/那些比较清贫的人,明知皇上做得很好,可是都抱着一个“~”的想法,力持缄默,……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—732) But those who are poorer feel that Your Majesty is correct,though they do not want to get involved and will try to remain aloof.
❍ 刘月轩你看人倒很尖锐,就是不爱管事——这叫~。(草明《原动力》88)Liu Yuexuan,you are a good judge of the people,but you don’t like to take responsibility—that’s worldly wise and playing safe.
❍ 大家都知道“贤者避世”,我以为现在的俗人却要避雅,这也是一种“~”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—131) We all know the saying “A wise man keeps away from the world.” To my mind,nowadays the vulgar should keep out of gentlemen’s way.For this,too,is one means of self preservation.
❍ 我们青年团员反对~,反对事不关己高高挂起的自由主义的态度。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—378) We League members are against the idea of using one’s wits to look after one’s own interests,we’re against the liberalist attitude of standing aloof from things on the ground that they’re no concern of ours.

明哲保身mig zhe bao shen

be worldly-wise and play safe


be worldly-wise and play safe;use one’s wits to ensure one’s own survival
~的处世哲学philosophy of self-preservation

明哲保身mínɡ zhé bǎo shēn

明哲:明智,深明事理。原指明智的人善于保全自己;现多指只图个人利益,担心自己受累而回避原则。be worldly wise and play safe, be wise in protecting oneself, keep out of harm by discretion, stay quiet for self-protection





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