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单词 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓

明修栈道,暗渡陈仓míng xiū zhàn dào , àn dù chén cāng

do one thing under cover of another; feign action in one place and make the real move in another; pretend to advance along one path while secretly going along another
❍ 敌人佯作攻城,实际想逃之夭夭。他们~的把戏骗不了我们。The enemy made a faint attack on the city,but in fact they were trying to escape.They couldn’t fool us by doing one thing under cover of another.

明修栈道,暗渡陈仓ming xiu zhan dao,an du chen cang

do one thing under cover of another

明修栈道,暗渡陈仓ming xiu zhan dao ,an du chen cang

do one thing under cover of another


do sth behind the facade of; pretend to do one thing in the open but actually engage in another undertaking in secret; make a feint in one direction while attacking in another;do one thing under the cover of another

明修栈道,暗渡陈仓mínɡ xiū zhàn dào,àn dù chén cānɡ

栈道:在悬崖峭壁间建成的道路;陈仓:古代的县名。比喻用表面的行动作掩护以迷惑对方,而暗地里却采取别的行动。do one thing under cover of another, pretend to advance along one path while secretly going along another





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