昂ánɡⅠ (抬起;仰着) hold (one's head) high;raise:那匹马精神抖擞地 ~ 起头来。 The horse perked up its head. Ⅱ (高涨) high;soaring:群情激 ~。 Popular feeling ran high. ◆昂贵 expensive;costly; 昂然自得 be elated by [with] ...;be upright and pleased with oneself;walk [tread] on air; 昂首 raise one's head; 昂首阔步 hold up one's head high and advance by long strides;prance about;head up,chest out;keep one's head high and march ahead;(swell) like a turkey-cock;march forward with one's chin up;pass by with head high and eyebrows raised; 昂首挺立 stand firm with raised head;stand proudly,head erect; 昂首挺胸 go with head high and chest out;raise one's head proudly;chin up and chest out;hold up one's head and throw out one's chest; 昂扬 high-spirited
昂ánɡ [书] (举目视) look up;raise eyes to look |