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单词 旷日持久

旷日持久kuàng rì chí jiǔ

long-drawn-out; long-term; protracted; prolonged; procrastinating; time consuming
❍ ~,粮食绝乏,越人击之,秦兵大败。(《史记·平津侯主父列传》2958) …and the Qin soldiers were left to sit idly day after day with no opponent,until their provisions were exhausted. Then the men of Yue launched an attack and inflicted a severe defeat on the Qin army.
❍ 丞相兵从大路进发,彼必尽起关中之兵,于路迎敌:则~,何时而得中原?(《三国演义》791) If you,O Minister,march by the high road,they will bring against you the whole host within the pass and will thus hold you indefinitely; you will never get to the capital.
❍ 在战争问题上,古今中外也都无不要求速决,~总是认为不利。(《毛泽东选集》218) In a war as a whole,too,quick decision is sought at all times and in all countries,and a long-drawn-out war is considered harmful.
❍ 太子曰:“太傅之计,旷日弥久,心惛然,恐不能须臾,……”(《史记·刺客列传》2529)“Yours is a long term scheme,sir”,objected the prince,“and I am too frantic to wait.…”/前些时候,炮厂工人拒绝把划进扩厂范围的住房迅速拆除,掀起了~的工潮,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》109) Some time back,the artillery plant workers had refused to pull down their homes to make room for the expansion of the plant,and had gone on prolonged strike.


long-drawn-out; protracted; prolonged;time-consuming
工程~。The construction has been drawn out(or dragging on) for a long time./~的地区冲突prolonged regional conflicts/~的谈判long-drawn-out negotiations/~的战争prolonged (or protracted)war

旷日持久kuànɡ rì chí jiǔ

旷:荒废。荒废的时间持续得太久。prolonged, drag on, delay for a long time, extend over days, of long duration





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