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Ⅰ ❶ (没有降水或降水太少) dry spell;drought: 抗 ~ combat drought;
连年大 ~ a great drought for successive years;
久 ~ 的禾苗逢甘雨。 A sweet rain falls on the parched seedlings.
❷ (非水田的;陆地上的) dryland: ~ 稻 dry rice
❸ (陆地交通) on land: ~ 路 overland route Ⅱ (干旱) dry;arid: ~ 季 dry season
◆旱魃 evil spirit causing drought;demon which causes drought;drought;
旱冰场 dry skating arena;
旱成土 aridisol;
旱船 land boat (a model boat used as a stage prop in some folk dances);
旱稻 upland rice;dry rice;
旱道 overland route;
旱地 dry farm;[拉] terra firma;nonirrigated farmland;dry land;
旱冬瓜 Alnus nepalensis;
旱谷 winterbourne;arroyo;enneri;{地质} wadi;
旱瓜涝桃 Melon will be good in drought and peach in wet days.;
旱季 dry season;dry summer;
旱金莲 {植} Tropaeolum majus;
旱井 water-retention well;dry well (used to store vegetables in winter);
旱涝 drought and flood;
旱涝保收 give stable yields despite drought or waterlogging;ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain;
旱涝碱综合治理 comprehensive control of drought,waterlogging and alkaline;
旱莲草 Eclipta prostrata;
旱莲木 Camptotheca acuminata;
旱柳 Saliz matsudana;dryland willow;
旱路 overland route;
旱苗逢雨 It is like rain upon parched rice plants.;A sweet rain falls on the parched seedlings.;
旱年 year of drought;
旱坡 xerocline;
旱桥 viaduct;overpass;flyover;
旱芹 Apium graveolens;cel ̄ery;
旱情 damage to crops by drought;
旱雀麦 downy brome;
旱三角洲 dry delta;
旱伞 [方] parasol;sunshade;
旱生动物 xerocole;xerophilous animal;
旱生环境 xeric environment;
旱生植物 xerophyte;serophyte;xerophtes;eremophyte;
旱獭 {动} marmot;bobac;tarabagan;
旱天 dry days;dry weather;drought;
旱田 upland field;dry farmland;dry land;
旱象 signs of drought;
旱烟 tobacco (smoked in a long-stemmed Chinese pipe);
旱秧田 dry nursery;
旱叶草 sour grass;squaw grass;
旱原 ariplain;
旱灾 drought;dry damage;
旱作 dry farming





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