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单词 旧病复发

旧病复发jiù bìng fù fā

❶have a recurrence of an old illness;have a relapse;
❷slip back into one’s bad old ways; up to one’s old tricks
❍ 王夫人只道~,便好延医调治,…… (《红楼梦》1486) His mother summoned a doctor,thinking he was deranged again,…/想起这个故事,我失掉了所有的勇气,于是我的旧病发作了——……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》545) At the thought that my word was not likely to be taken against all of theirs my courage melted away and I fell back into my bad old ways;…/后来宝玉明白了,~,时常哭想,并非忘情负义之徒。(《红楼梦》1457) Later he came to his senses but then fell ill again and often wept with longing—it’s not as if he were heartless.
❍ 只是他在家里说着好听,到了外头,~,难拘束他了。(《红楼梦》593) But if he’s just saying this to talk you round,once away from home he may slip back into his bad old ways and it will be even more difficult to restrain him.

旧病复发jiù bìnɡ fù fā

过去的病又犯了。比喻原有的缺点、毛病又重新出来了。have a relapse, relapse, up to one’s old tricks, fall into one’s bad old ways again





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