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单词 claim
释义 claim2 /kleim; klem/ n 1 [C] assertion of a right; act of ~ing,(1) : 要求承认其所有权或某种权利: Does anyone make a ~ to (but more usu Does anyone ~) this purse, say that it is his? 有没有人认领这个钱包? (但较常用 Does anyone claim this purse?) His ~ to own the house is invalid. 他对妆房产所有权的要求是无效的。 lay ~ to, demand (sth) as one's due: 宣称 (某物) 应归其所有 If the land really belongs to you, why don't you lay ~ to it, say so and try to get it? 假若这块土地真是属于你的,你何不请求归还产权? 2 [C] sum of money demanded under an insurance agreement (for loss, damage, etc): 根据保险合约所要求的赔款 (如因损失、损坏等): make/put in a ~ (for sth). (因某物之损坏) 提出赔偿要求。 3 [U.C] right to ask for: 要求权; 债权: You have no ~ on my sympathies. 你无权要求我同情。 4 [C] sth that is ~ed; piece of land (esp in a gold-bearing region) allotted to a miner: 所要求之物; (尤指产金矿的地区) 分配给矿工的一块地: stake out a ~, mark, boundaries to assert ownership. 标出地界以维护所有权。 ~ant /'kleimant; 'klemont/ n person who makes a ~, esp in law. 要求者 (尤指提出法律要求者) 。




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