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单词 日久天长

日久天长rì jiǔ tiān cháng

as the years go by;by and by; for a long,long time; for many,many years to come; in (the) course of time; in the long run; over the years;after a considerable period of time
❍ 每逢一谈,他就想起母亲; 想起母亲,他就渴望着谈谈祖国。~,祖国跟母亲溶到一起,分不清界限了。(杨朔《三千里江山》129) And any such talk would in variably remind him of his mother,just as any thoughts of his mother would make him long to talk about the motherland. By and by,the two terms blended and merged into one concept.
❍ ~,这些奴才们跟前,怎么说嘴呢? (《红楼梦》899) If this goes on,how are we to hold up our head in front of these slaves?/还有将来的婚姻喜庆,~,处处都要钱用。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—24) Moreover,when the boys grew up,there would be their marriages,and in the long run everything would need money.
❍ ~,一断十断,十断百断,也就伤害了树木的元气。所以这些树长的矮,枝又短,花不盛,籽不成。(曲波《林海雪原》533) Over the years this has happened hundreds of times,sapping the trees’vitality,making them short,and stunted,unable to flower or reproduce themselves.

日久天长rì jiǔ tiān chánɡ

形容历时长久。as the years go by, after a considerable period of time, in the course of time





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