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单词 既往不咎

既往不咎不咎既往jì wǎng bù jiù

forgive sb’s past misdeeds; let bygones be bygones; let sb off (/not censure sb) for his past misdeeds; no punishment for past misdeeds; wipe off the slate
❍ 成事不说,遂事不谏,~。(《论语·八佾》) Things that are done,it is needless to speak about; things that have had their course,it is needless to remonstrate about;things that are past,it is needless to blame.
❍ 你们只要放下屠刀,重新做人,抗日政府会宽大,八路军也~;……(冯志《敌后武工队》37) If you lay down your butcher’s knives and become new men,the resistance gov ernment will show leniency and the Eighth Route Army won’t hold your past misdeeds against you.
❍ 能识大局,立即实行抗日,实行民主政治,我党~,张、杨两将军自然会放你回去,否则你将成为千古罪人。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—44) If you keep the whole situation in mind,fight the Japanese invaders and practise political democracy as soon as possible,our Party will let you off for your past misdeeds and the two generals Zhang and Yang will surely set you free; if not,then you will be branded as a traitor through the ages.

既往不咎ji wang bu jiu

forgive sb.'s past misdeeds

既往不咎jì wǎnɡ bù jiù

既:已经;往:过去;咎:责备。对过去做错的事不再责备。let bygone’s be bygone’s, forgive sb.’s past misdeeds, not censure sb. for his past misdeeds, forgive sb. for his wrongdoings





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