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(已经) already: ~ 得权利 vested right;
漱洗 ~ 毕 having performed one's ablutions Ⅱ ❶ (既然) since;as;now that: ~ 要革命,就要有一个革命党。 If there is to be revolution,there must be a revolutionary party. ~ 来了,就多呆会儿吧。 As you are here,you may as well stay a little longer. 你 ~ 表示了决心,就应该见之于行动。 Now that you have expressed your determination,you should act.
❷ (跟“且、又、也”等副词连用,表示两种情况兼而有之) both ...and;as well as: ~ 不实用,也不美观 neither useful nor attractive;~ 要有原则性,也要有灵活性。 We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well. 这孩子 ~ 健康又活泼。 The child is lively as well as healthy. 这间屋子 ~ 宽敞,又亮堂。 The room is both light and spacious. Ⅲ [书] (完了;尽) done with;finished Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子黥 Ji Ziqing
◆既成事实 an established fact;an accomplished fact;a fact already accomplished;
既当官,又当老百姓 remain one of the common people while serving as an official;
既当学生,又当先生 be a pupil while serving as a teacher;
既得利益 vested interest;
既定 set;fixed;established;
既定方针 set policy;
既明且哲 both intelligent and wise;
既而 [书] soon afterwards;later;subseqently;
既决(罪)犯 {律} convict;convicted prisoner;
既来之,则安之 Since we have come,let us stay and enjoy it.;Since we are here,we may as well stay and make the best of it.;Since you are here you'd better relax.;
既然 since;as;now that;
既然有生,必然有死 As there is life,so there must be death.;
既是 since;as;now that;
既是坏事,又是好事 be both a bad and a good thing;
既遂 {律} accomplished offense;
既往病 past illness;previous illness;
既往不咎 Let bygones be bygones.;forgive somebody's past misdeeds;It is needless to blame things that are past.;let the past be forgotten;be let off for one's past misdeeds;Let the dead bury their dead.;not to censure sb. for his past misdeeds;
既往症 anamnesis;
既无内债,又无外债 be free from both foreign and domestic debts;
既有今日,何必当初 If there must be today,then why should there have been other days?;既约方程 {数} irreducible equation;
既约分数 {数} irreducible fraction;reduced fraction;
既约矩阵 {数} reducible matrix;
既约性 {数} irreducibility;
既在佛会下,都是有缘人 All in the Buddhist community are friends.;
既在矮檐下,怎敢不低头 You have to bow your head under low eaves.;A man who would pass under low eaves must bend his head.





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