infinite; boundless; unlimited; limitless;immeasurable
前途~光明。The future is infinitely bright./人民群众有~的创造力。The masses have boundless creative power./天生一个仙人洞,~风光在险峰。(毛泽东诗《为李进同志题所摄庐山仙人洞照》)Nature has excelled herself in the Fairy Cave,On perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety.(Mao Zedong’s poem The Fairy Cave—Inscription on a Picture Taken by Comrade Li Jin)/对教育事业~忠诚absolute devotion to the cause of education/~愤慨unbridled indignation/~热爱祖国boundless love for the motherland/~热诚boundless enthusiasm/~上纲criticize people in most exaggerated terms/~的国际人格unlimited international personality/~管辖权unlimited jurisdiction/~责任unlimited liability/~战争unlimited war(亦称“全面战争”)/~信任某人的判断implicit faith in sb’s judgment/~(责任)公司unlimited company