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单词 无足轻重

无足轻重wú zú qīng zhòng

be out of court; carry no weight; count for little (/nothing);cut no figure;inconsequential; insignificant; lightweight; mean nothing; negligible; no great shakes; not amount to anything; nothing to speak of; of little consequence(/importance); of no consequence (/importance/account/great merit); pimping; trifling; trivial
❍ 大约我们的生死久已被人们随意处置,认为~,所以自己也看得随随便便,不象欧洲人那样的认真了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—209) No doubt our lives have long been treated so casually as trifles of no consequence that we treat them lightly ourselves,not seriously as Europeans do.
❍ 本来马慕韩并不预备打柳惠光这一下的,他认为柳惠光根本是一个~的人。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—551)Ma Muhan had not been intending to deal this blow at Lin Huiguang,for he considered Liu Huiguang to be far beneath his notice.
❍ 我知道,我的意见是~的。I am aware that my opinion carries no weight.
❍ 故意用一种~的语气说: “随便念几段给他听。”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 162) “Read him a few items-any will do,” he said with studied negligence.
❍ 因为中国人向来以小说为~,不似经书,所以多喜欢随便改动它。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》290) I suppose it is because the Chinese have always considered works of fiction trivial,unlike the Confucian classics,that they cannot resist making alterations.


insignificant;of little importance (or consequence)
~的人nobody;nonentity/~的事matter of little consequence

无足轻重wú zú qīnɡ zhònɡ

足:足以。无关紧要,不值得重视。cut no figure, insignificant, mean nothing, not to matter, of no account, carry no weight





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