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单词 无论如何

无论如何wú lùn rú hé

anyhow; anyway;anywise; at all costs (/events/risks); at any rate(/cost/price/sacrifice); by any means; come what may; however/however it may be; howsoever;in any case (/way/degree/event/sort/term/wise); in either event; under all (/any)cir cumstances; in one way or other (/another); no matter how (/what/who,etc); on all accounts;for love or money; for one’s (dear) life; for the blood(/life/soul) of me; for the love of Mike; for all the world; whatever happens;sink or swim
❍ 天下何尝有黑暗,据物理学说,地球上的~的黑暗中,不是总有X分之一的光的吗? (鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集·三论“文人相轻”》 129) After all,there exists no such thing as darkness,for according to physical science any darkness on earth always contains a fraction of light.
❍ ~,我明天决计要走了。(鲁迅《彷徨·祝福》2) At all events,I made up my mind to leave the next day.
❍ ~,非“导”不可!(鲁迅《故事新编·理水》43) Come what may,we must use channels.
❍ 你赶快打电话告诉夏世富,说我马上到,要他~把志愿军留下来。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—361) Ring through to Xia Shifu straight away and tell him I’m on my way. Tell him he must keep the Volunteers there at all costs.
❍ 寒石山老例,当这些时候,~,母亲的亲丁是总要挑剔的;……(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》90) According to the local custom,at a married woman’s funeral members of the dead woman’s family found fault even when everything was well done; …/~,这是胜利。(鲁迅《三闲集·看司徒乔君的画》54) Look at it as you will,this is a victory.
❍ 这可怜的阴险使我感到滑稽,当再写小说时,就~止不住…… (鲁迅《故事新编·序言》) This miserable plot struck me as so ludicrous that when I returned to my story,try as I might,I could not prevent. …/他~不能让钞票在家里过夜,最后他买了几两黄金才算解决。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—145)Whatever happened he could not let paper money lie around at home,so in the end he bought a few ounces of gold as being the most satisfactory solution.


in any case;at any rate;whatever happens;under any circumstances; at all events;anyhow

无论如何wú lùn rú hé

不管怎么样。no matter what, how, etc.; any way, at any rate(price), at any moment, at least, on all accounts, at all events, rain or shine, for the soul of me, for the life of me





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