释义 |
无计可施wú jì kě shīat a loss as to what to do;at one’s wits’ end; at the end of one’s tether (/resources);be in a quandary; can find no solution;see no way out of the difficulty; there is nothing one can do; have exhausted one’s whole bag of tricks ❍ 正在~,只听见贾母那边叫:“请老爷。”(《红楼梦》1247) He was in a quandary when he received a summons from the old lady.…/大家都明白崇祯已经手忙脚乱,~,……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—713) They felt that the emperor must be very frustrated and desperate,…/匪首们思来虑去,~,因此马希山还是决定: “窝边食也得吃!何况大甸子这个窝,已是保不住了的。” (曲波《林海雪原》482)Although they pondered long,the bandit chiefs could find no solution. And so Ma finally decided: “We’ll have to hunt near our own nest. Because even this plain village we’re not sure of holding for long.”/贾琏~,想到那亲戚里头,薛姨妈家已败,王子腾已死,余者亲戚虽有,俱是不能照应的,……(《红楼梦》1366) Jia Lian in desperation thought of appealing to their relatives; but Aunt Xue’s family was bankrupt,Wang Ziteng was dead,and none of the rest was in a position to help ❍ 晨起,复至书院中,将诏再三观看,~。(《三国演义》182) Early in the morning he returned to his library and re-read it. No plan suggested it self. ❍ 超进退不得,~。(《三国演义》563) Thus Ma Chao was helpless and could see no way out of the dif ficul. ❍ 那毛二胡子~,只得将本和利一并兑还,才完了这件横事。(《儒林外史》596) There was nothing Whiskers Mao coul do but return the loan with interest; and so this trouble was settled. 无计可施wú jì kě shī施:施展。没有一点办法。at one’s wits’ end, at the end of one’s resources, be up the creek |