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单词 circulate
释义 circulate /'sxkjuleit; 'sjkjlet/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] go round continuously; move from place to place freely: 流通; 循环; 蔺播: Blood ~s through the body. 血在人体内循环。 In many buildings. hot water ~ 5 through pipes to keep rooms warm. 在许多建筑物中,用热水在管中循环的方法保持室内的温暖。 Bad news ~s quickly. 坏消息传播迅速。 In times of prosperity money ~ quickly; during a depression ~ s slowly. 在商业景气的时期, 钱流通得快; 在商业萧条的时期,钱流通得慢。 circulating library, one from which books may be borrowed, usu on payment of a subscription. 书籍可以借以的图书馆 (通常要付租书费); 流通图书馆。 2 [VP6A] cause to ~: 传播;散布: People who ~ false news are to be blamed. 散布流言者该受读责。




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