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单词 circuit
释义 circuit /'sxkit; 'sjkit/ n 1 journey round, ending where one began: 周游; 巡行一周; 巡行; 巡回: The ~ of the city walls is three miles. 城墙周长三哩。 make a ~ of. go round, 环行一周; 巡视一周; 巡回; 巡查。 2 regular journey or itinerary made by judges and barristers to towns in England and Wales to county towns(~ towns) to hold courts to hear civil and criminal cases, replaced in 1972 by Crown Courts court. One of six areas in the country, each having a number of Crown Courts. 巡回审判 (法官与律师们至英格兰及威南斯各城市及郡首邑审理民事及刑事案件之按时的巡回旅程,自 1972 年为 Crown Courts 所取代; 参看 court'); 皇家法庭巡回区 (英国共分六区, 每区均有若干皇家法庭) 。 go on ~,make this journey: 作巡回审判: Judges go on ~ for part of the year. 法官们每年用一部份的时间从事巡回审判。 3 chain of cinemas, theatres, etc under a single management: 某一企业下所经营的一系列的电影院、剧院等: Some theatrical companies travel over regular ~s, visit certain towns in succession. 有些剧团按照一定的路线前往某些市镇作巡回演出。 4 closed path for an electrical current; apparatus with a sequence of conductors, transistors, etc for carrying an electric current: 电路 (电流的通路, 或装设着一系列导体、电晶体等以传导电流之全部装置):, ~ diagram, one that shows the connections in such an apparatus. 电路图。 closed ~ (TV), → close4 (2). short ~, → short (1). 5 regional group of Methodist churches sharing preachers.. 聘有普同传道士之若干美以美会敎堂的地区性集团。




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