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单词 无济于事

无济于事无裨于事wú jì yú shì

a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff; a pill to cure an earthquake; be of no avail (/help); in vain; just no use; not help (in) the matter; serve no good purpose; to no effect; useless
❍ 他亲手砍死了几个兵,想制止这种混乱,但也~,就只好带着一部分将校和亲兵在自己的骑兵中间乱冲,夺路而逃。(姚雪垠《李自成》 I—264) Though he cut down some deserters with his sword it was impossible to stop the rout. So he too fled with his officers and guards.
❍ 任何妥协,都是~的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》70) Compromise is of no avail here,/敌人的大炮悲吼轰鸣,炮弹连续地落下来;但它已经~了。(吴强《红日》471) The enemy artillery roared and thundered and shells poured down but they were too late to save the situation.
❍ 他又在空中象荡秋千一样,狠力地荡了几荡,但终于~。(曲波《林海雪原》577)Hanging from the end of the rope,he swung himself vigorously,but couldn’t reach his objective.
❍ 武将怕死,士兵骄傲,朝廷的威令行到督、抚身上也~。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—812) Generals became timid,while offcials feared death and soldiers were undisciplined.Thus the government could exercise no control over the local authorities either.
❍ 她哭过,她寻死过,但是这一切抵抗全~。林伯唐捻着八字胡笑吟吟地还是把她弄到了手。(杨沫《青春之歌》 8) She wept bitterly and tried to kill herself,but all her resistance and protests were in vain,for Lin Botang,grinning as he stroked his moustache,had his way with her.
❍ 她明白,就是哭瞎了眼睛,对于革命,对于运涛,也~的。(梁斌《红旗谱》 164) She knew that even if she wept her eyes out that would not help the revolution or Yuntao.
❍ 有时,那种活计预先分派了别人,他也不管;等那个社员去做,却发现老八已经做过了,或正在做着,气得那个社员跺脚骂娘,也~。(王汶石《风雪之夜》193) Sometimes it turned out that the work he was bent on had already been assigned to someone else. Yet he would take it all the same. Thus when the man turned up to do the work,he found to his astonishment that Iron Bull either had done it or was busily engaged in it. Of course,the man would be angry. But it was useless to swear.
❍ 韩渐逵提出:对黄敬斋这样的“政治犯”,采取强硬手段,是~的。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》66) Han suggested,“In dealing with a political criminal like Huang,high-handed measures are just no use.


of no avail;to no effect

无济于事wú jì yú shì

济:帮助。对事情没有帮助。形容不顶用,解决不了问题。to no effect, of no use(help), serve no purpose, be a damp squib





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