释义 |
无敌于天下wú dí yú tiān xiàbe invincible (under heaven); peerless; unmatched anywhere in the world;with no equal (/peer) in the whole world ❍ 只要我们全体英勇善战的八路军新四军,人人个个不但会打仗,会作群众工作,又会生产,我们就不怕任何困难,就会是孟夫子说过的: “~” (《毛泽东选集》883) If every man in our heroic and combatworthy Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies becomes able not only to fight and do mass work but also to produce,we need fear no difficulty and shall be“invincible under heaven”,to use the words of Mencius. ❍ ~者,天吏也。(《孟子·公孙丑上》) …and he who has no enemy in the empire is the minister of Heaven. ❍ 军队须和民众打成一片,使军队在民众眼中看成是自己的军队,这个军队便~,……(《毛泽东选集》479) The army must become one with the people so that they see it as their own army. Such an army will be invincible,…/善用兵者,感忽悠暗,莫知其所从出,孙、吴用之~,岂必待附民哉? (《荀子》) He who is good at using arms moves suddenly and secretly,and no one knows from whence he comes,Sun and Wu employed this method and there was no one in the world who could stand up against them.Why is it necessary to win the support of the people? 无敌于天下wu di yu tian xiaunmatched anywhere in the world 无敌于天下invincible; peerless; unmatched anywhere in the world 无敌于天下wú dí yú tiān xià天下没有谁能敌得过。形容力量无比强大。invincible, unmatched anywhere in the world |