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单词 无恶不作

无恶不作wú è bù zuò

be as wicked as possible;be capable of the worst crime; commit all kinds of atrocities (/all manners of crimes); do every imaginable evil; engage in every kind of evil-doing;nothing is too evil for sb; one’s evil doings knows no limits (/bounds); perpetrate every conceivable (/imaginable) evil; stop at no evil (/crime); stop at nothing in doing evil
❍ 先接受新任务,进而就陷害同志,破坏组织,直至~。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》92) He will begin by accepting the enemy’s small mission and later he will set out to betray his former comrades,disrupt the Party organization and do all kinds of evil deeds./……打家劫舍,奸淫烧杀,~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》221)There they looted,raped and burnt and engaged in every other kind of evil-doing.
❍ 又是个酒色之徒,强霸民女,敲诈勒索,~。(曲波《林海雪原》447) In addition,he was addicted to drinking and sex.He raped women,extorted,squeezed—nothing was too evil for him.

无恶不作wu e bu zuo

stop at no evil


stop at no evil;commit all manners of crimes

无恶不作wú è bù zuò

没有一件坏事不干。形容做尽了坏事。stop at no evil, capable of the worst crime, be as wicked as possible





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