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单词 无影无踪

无影无踪无踪无影wú yǐng wú zōng

be clean gone; disappear; without(a) trace; leave no shadow (/trace); nowhere to be found;untraceable;vanish (into the void)
❍ 匪徒登上山头时,小分队已~了! (曲波《林海雪原》500) When the bandits reached the top of the mountain,not a shadow of the PLA detachment remaimed.
❍ 就是冻地骑马也不该一点踪迹不留啊!再说,匪徒们是有一百多匹马,怎么能~呢?(曲波《林海雪原》525) Even if the ground were frozen,at least there ought to be a few hoofprints. The bandits have over a hundred horses. How could they pass without leaving a trace?/不料这大口竟夸得~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—166) But this boast came to nothing.
❍ 同时也感到自己是在干着光荣和伟大的事业了——李七嫂底胸膛,那值得夸耀的乳峰,也在这伟大的欣喜里消泯到~了。(萧军《八月的乡村》26) But it gave him a good feeling; it made him feel that this work he was doing was important,important enough to crowd out of his mind for the moment the full round breasts of Seventh Sister.
❍ 所以,对敌人来说,女记者陈静,真变得无踪无影了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》335)As far as the enemy was concerned,the reporter Chen Jing had vanished.
❍ 即去耳中掣出如意棒,迎风幌一幌,碗来粗细,依然拿在手中,不分好歹,却又大乱天宫,打得那九曜星闭门闭户,四天王无影无踪。(《西游记》83)Whipping the compliant rod out from his ear,he waved it once in the wind and it had the thickness of a rice bowl. Holding it in his hands,without regard for good or ill,he once more careened through theHeavenly Palace,fighting so fiercely that the Nine Luminaries all shut themselves in and the Four Devarajas disappeared from sight.
❍ 可是当鬼子到达洪山口时,三营已经~。(知侠《铁道游击队》355)Nevertheless by the time the Japanese arrived at Mount Hongshan Pass,not a soul was to be seen.
❍ 侦防处成立以来,那些令人恼怒的、~的事件又一齐涌上心头: ……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》105) Even since the setting up of the Security Department elusive,in furiating incidents had plagued him.
❍ 人民解放军象一股风一样,~,去向不明。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》72) The People’s Liberation Army was gone like a gust of wind,leaving no shadow or trace,to where no one knew.


disappear without a trace;melt into thin air

无影无踪wú yǐnɡ wú zōnɡ

一点影踪都没有。形容完全消失或不知去向。disappear completely, be clean gone, not a trace left, into thin air





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