释义 |
无可奈何wú kě nài hébe unable to do anything;be utterly helpless;can do nothing but; have no alternative (/choice); have no way out; there is nothing else one can do;there is no help for it; it cannot be helped ❍ 但到~的时候,却也可以拿这四个字来遮掩一下。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ-172) When driven to desperation,though,he may hide behind thisphrase. ❍ 在~中,她只好咬紧牙关,忍受着这样莫名其妙的生活的熬煎,在杨庄继续住下去。(杨沫《青春之歌》30)She could do nothing but put up with things and stay on in Yangzhuang Village,however futile and tiresome it was. ❍ 贾政道: “我心里巴不得不做官,只是不敢告老,现在我们家里两个世袭,这也~的。”(《红楼梦》1344) I would give any thing not to be an official,but I dare not retire. Besides,our family has two hereditary titles. This is something that can’t be helped. ❍ 他~地一步步向前迈去。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—199) He had no alternative and walked on with her. ❍ 争来吵去,还是因为马希山的实力雄厚,所以侯、谢二匪~,只得依从马匪的主张。(曲波《林海雪原》483) The bandit chiefs quarrelled,but Ma had the strongest forces. In the end Hou and Xie had no choice but to accept his proposal. ❍ 许多外国的中国研究家,都说中国人是定命论者,命中注定,~; 就是中国的论者,现在也有些人这样说。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—102) Many foreign Sinologues say that Chinese are fatalists,who believe that when a thing is predestined nothing can be done;and now even some Chinese pundits are saying the same. ❍ 仔细一想,真正~,不过长叹数声。(《红楼梦》1277) Reflecting that there was in truth no way out for him,he heaved sigh after sigh. ❍ 六军不发无奈何,宛转蛾眉马前死。(《白居易诗选·长恨歌》14) There was nothing the emperor could do,|At the army’s refusal to proceed. |So she with the moth-like eyebrows|Was killed before his horses. ❍ 毛人凤~地,把徐鹏飞支了出去,马上准备迎接。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》184) With an exclamation of futility,Mao Renfeng told Xu Pengfei to go and welcome the guest. ❍ 事已如此,~。(孔尚任《桃花扇·抗兵》) For the time being,there is nothing else we can do. 无可奈何be utterly helpless;have no way out;have no alternative(or choice) 他们~,只好又回到谈判桌上来。They had no alternative but to return to the negotiating table./伊朗核问题令布什政府~。The Iranian nuclear issue made the Bush Adminis tration helpless (or threw the Bush Administration into a helpless predicament)./~的苦笑sad,helpless smile 无可奈何wú kě nài hé奈何:如何。感到没有办法或毫无办法可想。have no way out, cannot but, helplessly, reluctant |