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单词 无中生有

无中生有wú zhōng shēng yǒu

entirely baseless;beget (/create) sth out of nothing; fabricated;utterly false; purely fictitious (/groundless/invented); fabricate sth out of thin air (/the clear sky/empty air); sheer fabrication
❍ 他决意不能接受任何人加在他们头上的~的诽谤,…… (王汶石《风雪之夜》42) He was determined not to accept a baseless slender.
❍ 他几乎不相信世间会有这样~寻事胡闹的人,然而,萦绕梦想的新鲜境界农场的展陈于眼前,的确因着这个人而延迟了。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》165) He could scarcely believe that there were people in the world who would deliberately create trouble and stir up strife in this manner; yet the unfolding before his eyes of the farm of his dreams,the farm that was to be the gateway to a new world,had actually been delayed by this man.
❍ 那些人自己也明白叛徒罪名是~,妈妈的真实 “罪行” 是冒犯了两个大人物。(宗福先《于无声处》33) They know very well the charge is false. Her real “crime” is that she offended two high cadres.
❍ 实被刘高这厮~,官报私仇。(《水浒全传》416) It was this Liu Gao who fastened a crime on me when there was none,and used the power of the Emperor for his ownprivate revenge.


purely fictitious;fabricated; out of thin air;make (or create)sth out of nothing
这完全是~。This is sheer fabrication;This is purely fictitious./这种说法完全是~。The story was fabricated and completely untrue./~的谣言a baseless rumour

无中生有wú zhōnɡ shēnɡ yǒu

凭空捏造,硬把不存在的事情说成事实。fabricated, pure invention, utterly false, out of thin air, create sth. out of nothing





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