Ⅰ (没有) not have; there is not; be without: 目中 ~ 人 in one's eyes there is no other; 身 ~ 分文 not have a single penny left on; 上 ~ 片瓦, 下 ~ 插针之地 have neither a tile over one's head nor a speck of land under one's feet; be in abject poverty; 室中 ~ 人。There isn't anyone in the room. 万里 ~ 云。 There are no clouds in the sky. Ⅱ ❶ (没有) nothing; nil: 从 ~ 到有 grow out of nothing; start from scratch; 以有易 ~ exchange what one has for what one has not; 聊胜于 ~。 Something is better than nothing. 有生于 ~。 Being comes from not-being.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 能 Wu Neng Ⅲ (不) not: ~ 须考虑 need not take into account; ~ 伤大体。 It does not hurt the important essentials. ~ 须乎着急。 There's no need to get excited. Ⅳ (不论; 无论) regardless of; no matter whether, what, etc.: ~ 冬 ~ 夏 regardless of winter or summer; 事 ~ 大小, 都有人负责。 Everything, big and small, is properly taken care of.
另见 see also mó。
◆无碍大局 not to affect the situation as a whole; 无暗影 unshadowed; 无案可稽 No records can be investigated.; 无伴奏合唱 a cappella; 无瓣花 {植} apetalous flower; 无本之木 be like a tree without roots; 无比 incomparable; unparalleled; matchless; peerless; 无裨 be of no avail; be of no help; 无边 brimless; rimless; boundless; 无边风月 a very beautiful scenery; a magnificent view; boundless natural charms; 无边无岸 boundless and shoreless; 无边无际 boundless; limitless; illimitable; immeasurable; infinite; unlimited; vast; 无标题音乐 absolute music; 无表情 amimia; 无冰期训练 dry season training; 无冰水面 open water; 无柄石斧 hand ax; 无柄叶 {植} sessile leaf; 无病呻吟 moan and groan without being ill; adopt a sentimental pose; groan while not really in pain; make a fuss about an imaginary illness; making a fuss about nothing; moan and groan about imaginary illnesses; pine (and whine) without cause; 无病一身轻 To be healthy [Good health] is a blessing.; 无波 {航海} calm; very smooth sea; 无补 of no help; of no avail; 无补大局 do not help the whole situation; be of no great help to the overall situation; 无补于事 be of no help [avail]; do not help matters; will not mend matters; 无不 all without exception; invariably; 无不覆焘 All fall under the canopy.; 无不涉猎 dip into all subjects; touch upon all the sides without exception;
无差 indifference; 无产阶级 the proletariat; 无产者 proletarian; 无常 variable; changeable; {佛教} impermanence; transiency; 无偿 free; gratis; gratuitous; 无偿付能力 bankruptcy; 无偿还义务 without recourse; 无偿献血 blood donated gratis; 无偿债能力 insolvency; 无肠公子 [书] bowelless gentleman — nickname of the crab; 无场 {电} field-free; 无潮 amphidromic; 无衬里外衣 shell; 无承诺 without engagement; 无吃无穿[无衣无食] have nothing to eat or wear; have no food and clothes; 无耻 shameless; brazen; impudent; 无耻勾当 shameless practices [intrigues; designs]; 无耻谰言 shameless babblings; a lie too brazen for words; a shameless [brazen] slander [lie]; 无耻透顶 be lost to [have lost] all sense of shame; brazen to the extreme; the height of shamelessness [impudence]; 无耻之尤[极] be lost to shame; be utterly contemptible; most shameless of all; be devoid of shame altogether; brazen in the extreme; shamelessness beyond description; the height of shamelessness; This really is the height of shamelessness!; 无齿 anodontia; 无翅 aptery; aplerism; 无酬劳动 {经} unpaid labour; 无出其右 have no equal; have excelled; matchless; never to see anything that goes beyond...; Nobody can better him.; No one can be placed higher than...; nothing superior to it; Not one is worthy to be placed alongside of ...; peerless; second to none; unequalled; without equal; 无处藏身 have nowhere to hide oneself [to stay];无处存身 find no shelter; have nowhere else to go [settle]; have nowhere to live [stay]; have nowhere to seek (a) shelter; without a roof over one's head; 无处可去 have nowhere to go; 无处容身 have no place of refuge; have nowhere to rest; 无窗 windowless; 无疵 flawless; fautless; 无疵残 zero defects; 无疵可寻 be above reproach; cannot find a flaw; flawless; perfect; 无词歌 a song without words; 无刺(的) stingless; 无从 have no way (of doing sth.); not be in a position (to do sth.); 无从入手 There is no way to begin.; 无从说起 not to know where to begin telling (a story); cannot do anything at all; 无从置喙 cannot find a place to stick his beak in; impossible to put in a word; 无从捉摸 There is nothing (in his speech) to lay hold of.; 无从着手 have no way of handling; 无错(误) error-free; 无担保贷款 loan without security; credit on an unsecured basis; open credit; signature loan; unsecured loan; 无党派人士 a public figure without party affiliation; nonparty personage; patriots without party affiliation; 无道德 amoral; 无敌 unmatched; invincible; unconquerable; 无敌不克 make conquests on all sides; carry all before one; invincible; 无敌于天下 with no peer [equal] in the whole world; unmatched anywhere in the world; matchless; peerless; invincible; 无底洞 barathrum; abime; a bottomless pit (that can never be filled); unsatiable desires; 无地立锥 not ground enough to stick an awl in; miserably poor; 无地址 zero-address; no-address; 无地自容 have no place [room] to hide oneself; can find no place to hide oneself for shame; feel [be] too ashamed to show one's face; have no place to run to; have not a leg to stand upon; look for a hole to crawl into; not to know where to conceal oneself; One wished one could sink through the ground for shame.; (make sb.) want to sink through the ground; 无的放矢 shoot at random; aimless and fruitless; aimless shooting; shoot at a nonexistent target; shoot the arrow at random [without a target]; 无电 electroless; 无电极 electrodeless; 无电压 no-voltage; 无电源 non-transformer; 无冬无夏 be it winter or summer; through-out the year; 无动于衷 be completely indifferent; aloof and indifferent; be dead [lost] to all feeling; be hardened to; be not impressed; call forth no response in one's breast; not touched; remain completely unmoved; remain indifferent; showing no sympathy [emotion]; unconcerned; unmoved; untouched; with nonchalance; without compunction; 无毒 non-toxic; non-poisonous; innocuity; 无毒不丈夫 Ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man.; A real man lacks not in venom.; He who does not resort to violent treachery when it is necessary is not a true man.; 无独有偶 It happens that there is a similar case.; It is not unique, but has its counterpart.; not alone, but with a good prototype; not come singly but in pairs; 无度 immoderate; excessive; 无端 for no reason; without cause; sideless; 无舵船 helmless; 无舵赛船 shell; 无恶不作 commit all sorts [all manner] of crimes; be as wicked as possible; commit all kinds of atrocities; do all manner of evil; do every sort of evil thing; One's evil doings know no limits.; perpetrate every conceivable evil; stop at no evil [crime]; There is no crime of which one is not guilty.; 无恶露 salochia; 无儿无女 have neither sons nor daughters; childless; 无法 unable; incapable; 无法可施 There is nothing one can do (about it).; 无法可想 There is no help for ...; 无法控制 out-of-control; 无法利用 unavailability; 无法无天 defy laws human and divine; be absolutely [utterly; completely] lawless; defy every law and regulation; defy heaven and have contempt for the law; have absolutely no respect for the law; One's madness knows no bounds.; run wild [rampant]; stop at nothing (in breaking the law); violate all laws, human or divine; 无法形容 have no means of putting ... into words; be impossible to describe; beyond description; 无反应 adiaphoria; 无方 not in the proper way; in the wrong way; not knowing how; 无妨 there's no harm; may as well; might as well; 无防卫力 ecphylaxis; 无防御力 aphylaxis; 无纺织物 {纺} adhesive-bonded fabries; nonwoven fabrics; 无非 nothing but; no more than; simply; only; 无分轩轾 make no difference between the high and low chariots; be equal; make no difference in relative importance (between high and low; between heavy and light); nip and tuck; take rank with; 无蜂驼 huahua; 无风 breezeless; ash breeze; {气} calm; 无风不刮雨, 有雨便有风 Where there is wind there must be rain.; 无风不起浪 There are no waves without wind.; Nothing comes [will come] of [from] nothing.; Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it.; Nothing is stolen without hands.; 无风不起浪,有火必有烟 There are no waves without wind and wherever there is smoke there is fire.; 无风带 calm belt; calm zone; 无风起浪 waves rising without any breeze — baseless slanders; create problems where none exists; create [start] trouble out of nothing; make much ado about nothing; make trouble out of nothing; make uncalled-for trouble; stir up trouble; 无风三尺浪 There are billows three feet high even if there is no wind.; 无缝 {冶} seamless; 无缝管 {冶} seamless tube; 无缝生蛆 Maggots come without a crack.; 无辐射 radiationless; nonradiative; 无福消受 not have the luck to enjoy; be unable to take advantage of; 无斧凿痕 (of masterpiece) without axe marks; completely without artificiality, showing consummate skill; 无复组合 {数} combination without repetition; complete combination; 无父后代 impaternate offspring; 无干 have nothing to do with; 无干扰 clear; 无感 {电} noninductive; 无感动 acathexis; 无感觉 insentience; imperception; 无感情 insensibility; -pathy; 无高不攀 No “height” is beyond one's reach.; 无睾症 eunuchism; 无告穷民 hopeless people; 无根无蒂 without foundation or support; 无工不富 without industry, the rural economy could not be rich; 无攻不克 all-conquering; invincible; take strongholds by storm; 无功 {电} idle; idle work; 无功报德 have no way of returning sb.'s gratitude; 无功不受禄 No gains without pains.; 无功而返 return without accomplishing anything; a wild goose chase; 无功功率 reactive power; wattless power; magner;imaginary power; 无功受禄 get a reward without deserving it; get the reward without real achievements [contributions]; do nothing to deserve the favour; 无公害工艺 nuisanceless technology; 无钩 a surname; 无辜 innocent; an innocent person; 无辜牵累 compromise the guiltless; involve the innocent; The innocent are involved.; 无辜受累 be persecuted on groundless charges; 无故 without cause or reason; for no reason; 无故生有 make trouble out of nothing; 无故障 trouble-free; failure-free; fault-free; test OK; 无怪 no wonder; not to be wondered at; 无关 have nothing to do with; be unconcerned; {数} independence; 无关大局[体] not affect the general situation; a side issue; do not matter very much; have no bearing on the overall situation; have no effect on the overall situation; insignificant; not matter very much; of little account; of no great importance; 无关宏旨 be of no great importance; a matter of no consequence; be of no consideration; be of no significance; inessential; insignificant; irrelevant; not effecting the principal idea; 无关紧要 be of no great importance; be nothing serious; be of no significance; count for little; inconsequential; insignificant; make no difference; nothing serious; not to matter a farthing [a hoot; a rap; a sixpence; two hoots; a straw]; 无关痛痒 be of no importance [concern]; be completely indifferent to; care for nothing; have nothing to do with personal interest; irrelevant; (of remarks) irrelevant or pointless; (of comments) without any bite; 无关“与”门 ignore gate; 无官能化合物 {化} non-functional compound; 无官一身轻 One feels carefree when he is relieved of official duties.; It is blessing to hold public office no more [to be no more an official].; Out of office, out of care.; 无冠山雀 chickadee; 无光 dark; matt; 无光面 flat; 无光泽 reluster; 无规可循 have no laws to follow; 无轨电车 trolley bus; trackless trolley; 无轨巷道 trackless drift; 无轨可循 no precedent to follow; 无轨矿井 trackless mine; 无轨运输 trackless haulage; 无国籍 {外} stateless; 无过不及 free from excess and deficiency; 无过失 unerring; unimpeachable; 无害 harmless; do no harm to; innocuous;innocuity; innoxious; 无汗 adiapneustia; 无耗 lossless; loss-free; 无核 {植} {遗传} seedless; {原物} nuclear-free; 无核武器国家 nonnuclear country; 无河有之乡 a world where nothing really exists; a land of nothing; the realm of vagueness; 无后跟拖鞋 mules; 无后顾之忧 without fear of an attack from the rear; have no worries about the rear [one's family]; with the rear secure; 无后为大 Having no male heir is the gravest of the three cardinal offences against filial piety.; 无花果 {植} fig; turkey fig; ficus carica; 无话不谈 tell one another everything; be in each other's confidence;chat with sb. without reserve; keep no secrets from each other; 无话可答 be at a loss for words; have no fitting reply to make; have nothing to say in reply; have no words to answer; 无话可说 can say nothing more; cannot think of anything to say; have nothing to say (for oneself); 无话则短, 有话则长 If nothing more happens the story will be short, if events come, it will be long.; 无怀 a surname; 无灰 ashless; ash-free; 无毁无誉 neither criticism nor praise; 无火 fireless; 无火不生烟 Nothing comes from nothing.; Everything has its seed.; No smoke without fire.; Nothing is stolen without hands.; Where there is smoke, there's fire.; 无火不生烟, 无风不起浪 There is no smoke without fire and there are no waves without wind.; 无机 {化} inorganic;
无机物 inorganic substance; inorganic matter; inorganic mineral; dead matter; 无机盐 mineral salt; inorganic salt; 无羁之马 a horse without a bridle— wild; 无稽 unfounded; fantastic; absurd; 无稽之谈 groundless statement; a cock-and-bull [cock and bull] story; a false tale; a fishy story; a latrine rumour; baseless gossip [talk]; clotted nonsense; cookedup story; fantastic talk; idle assertions; mere unsupported statements; pack of nonsense; sheer nonsense; tale of a tub; unfounded talk; 无极 electrodeless; non-polar; 无棘 inermis; inermous; 无籍游民 vagabond; vagrants without homes; 无及 find it too late; there is not enough time (to do sth.); it's too late (to do sth.); 无疾而终 die without a sickness; die in one's sleep; die without any illness [without a known cause]; 无几 very few; very little; hardly any; 无脊椎动物 invertebrate; 无技能 un-skill; 无济于事 be of no avail; a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff; a pill to cure an earthquake; It does not help the matter.; of no help to the matter; to no effect; unhelpful; useless; (That) won't help things at all.; 无计划勘探 wild cat; 无计可施 be put in a quandary; at a loss as to what to do; at the end of one's resources; at the end of one's tether; be at one's wits' end; be up the creek; can devise no suitable plan; can see no way out of the difficulty; can think of no way [guile] at all; feel helpless; There is nothing one can do.; without any plan which might be used; without any way to; 无记名 secret; bearer; 无际 boundless; limitless; vast; 无家可归 be homeless; be homeless and without a place of refuge; be rendered homeless; be [be left] without a roof; have no home to go [return] to; have no longer any home to receive one; have the key of the street; wander about without a home to go to; without a home to go back to; 无价之宝 be above [beyond; without] price; a priceless treasure; a treasure (that) money won't buy; be all the world to sb.; invaluable asset [treasure]; 无价值 unworthiness; unusefulness; blank; lumber; 无坚不摧 carry all before one; be all-conquering; capable of destroying any stronghold invincible; overrun all fortifications; take strongholds by storm; 无碱 alkali- free; 无间 [书] not keeping anything from each other; very close to each other; continuously; without interruption; make no distinction; 无浆经纱 {纺} undressed warp; 无疆 boundless; limitless; 无胶纸 {化} unsized paper; 无脚玻璃杯 tumbler; 无脚椅 tailor's chair; 无角 {动} acerous; 无角短角牛 polled durham; polled shorthorn; 无角红牛 red poll; 无节幼虫 naupiar larva; 无节制 immoderation; incontinence; incontinency; incontinentia; 无界 unbounded; 无界限 boundless; 无尽无休 incessant; endless; 无尽小数 {数} non-terminating decimal; infinite decimal; 无精打采 be in the blues; be a cup to low; be listless; be out of heart; dejected; dispirited and discouraged; get [have] the blues; have a fit of the blues; in low spirits; lackadaisical; listless; out of sorts; with one's spirit quenched; 无精液 aspermia; aspermatism; 无胫而行 walk with no shinbone; 无咎无誉 have neither fault to find with nor praise to bestow [give] on [upon]; 无拘束 unrestrained; unconstrained; uncontrolled; unconfined; 无拘无束 remain free; at (one's) ease; be free to do as one likes; free and easy; have one's full swing; make oneself at home; unconstrained; unfettered; unrestrained; without any restraint; without hindrance; 无拒付抗辩权 no protest for non-acceptance; 无绝缘 naked; 无菌 {医} asepsis; sterility; germ-free; sterile; 无抗 nonreactive; 无可比拟 There is nothing comparable to this; beyond [past; without] compare [comparison]; inapproachable; incomparable; matchless; peerless; unparalleled; 无可辩驳 irrefutable; beyond all dispute; indisputable; impregnable; 无可补救 be past [beyond] remedy; irremediable; irreparable; 无可不可 be so pleased that one does not know what to do; to such an extent that one feels at a loss; very much; 无可疵议 nothing to object to; 无可非难 be above [beyond] reproach; above criticism; beyond challenge; not blameworthy; reproachless; without rebuke; 无可非议 be without rebuke; above [beyond] reproach; be above [beyond] criticism; blameless; nothing to object to; unimpeachable; unobjectionable; 无可奉告 No comment.; have no comment to make; have nothing to say (with reference to); 无可否认 There is no denying it.; It cannot be denied that ...; It is not to be denied that...; There is no denying.; 无可估量 beyond [above; out of] measure; immeasurable; 无可厚非 no ground for blame; be not altogether inexcusable; give no cause for much criticism; There is nothing to be said against it.; 无可讳言 There is no hiding the fact.; beyond (all) question; indisputable; past dispute; undeniable; 无可稽考 cannot be examined; 无可救药 be past hope; be past remedy; beyond the power of medicine [skill]; hopeless; incorrigible; incurable; 无可理喻 not to be reasoned with; be above reason; 无可弥补 be past remedy; 无可名状 unable to describe; beggar description; indescribable; 无可奈何 feel [be] helpless; against one's will; be at the end of one's resources; become unable to do anything with; be reluctant to; have no alternative (but); have no way out; Nothing can be done.; There is no help for it.; willy-nilly; 无可奈何花落去 Flowers will die, do what one may.; 无可匹敌 without a rival; without (a) parallel; peerless; unapproachable; unique; 无可胜数 innumerable; 无可适从 not know what course to take; be at a loss what to do; be irresolute; 无可推诿 admit of no excuse; 无可挽回 be too far gone; beyond any help; The die is cast.; 无可无不可 not to care one way or another; indecisive; uncertain; without any preconceived ideas; 无可限量 know no measure; 无可责难 blameless; not be censured; 无可争辩 beyond all dispute; incontestable; incontrovertible; indisputable; irrefutable; undeniable; 无可争议 beyond controversy; indisputable; irrefutable; 无可指摘 nothing to find fault with, be without rebuke; defy criticism; beyond [above] reproach; reproachless; unimpeachable; 无可置疑 be above suspicion [doubt]; indubitable; out of doubt; undoubted; unquestionable; without [beyond; no] doubt; 无孔 sclausura; atreto-; 无孔不入 get in by every opening; (of odours, ideas, etc.) be all-pervasive; have a finger in every pie; lose no chance; no opportunity overlooked; penetrate everywhere; poke into every nook and corner; (of persons) seize every opportunity (to do evil); There is no opening into which he does not enter — of one who is skillful in intrigue.; (The dust) worked in everywhere.; 无孔不钻 There is no place one does not try to penetrate.; worm one's way into every crevice; 无愧 feel no qualms; have a clear conscience; be worthy of; 无愧于人 be free from shame before anyone; have nothing to be ashamed of before anybody; 无愧于心 have a clear [good] conscience; 无赖 rascally; scoundrelly; blackguardly; rascal; 无赖已极 be utterly loathsome; thoroughly disgusting; most scoundrelly; the height of scoundrelism; 无理 unreasonable; unjustifiable; 无理取闹 make trouble out of nothing; be deliberately provocative; find fault with sb. for no reason whatsoever; frivolous quibbling; have tantrums without cause [rhyme; reason]; make trouble wilfully; unreasonable quarreling; utter nonsense and make trouble; 无理指责 accuse unjustifiably [unrea sonably]; groundless [unjustified] charges; unwarranted accusations; 无理数 {数} irrational number; 无礼 rude; ungracious; indignity; uncourteous; 无利可图 No profits will come in.; gainless; no profit to be obtained; profitless; unprofitable; unremunerative; unthrifty; 无利息 ex interest; 无力 lack strength; feel weak; unable; incapable; powerless; 无脸见人 fly from the face of men; feel too ashamed to face people; have no face to show to any man; 无量 measureless; immeasurable; boundless; 无聊 in extreme depression; bored; senseless; silly; stupid; uninteresting; 无聊苟且 careless; idle and sluggish; remiss; 无聊之谈 talk all the time about nonsense [unimportant things]; silly [senseless; stupid] talk [remarks]; 无獠牙雄象 [印] hine; 无了无休 endless; ceaseless; continuous; on and on; without stopping; 无林地 non-forest land; 无鳞鱼 alepidote; 无领短外套 Eton jacket; 无娄 a surname; 无路开路, 遇水搭桥 open up roads and bridge rivers; 无路可走 at the end of one's [the] rope [tether; row]; helpless; no alternative; no resource; 无论 no matter what ,how, etc.; regardless of; 无论如何 in any case; anyhow; as it may; at all events; at any rate; by all possible means; by hook or by crook; however it may be; on all accounts; on every account; under all circumstances; under [in] any circumstances; whatever happens; 无煤地层 dead ground; 无美不备 Nothing beautiful is wanted.; 无米之炊 cook a meal without rice — lacking the necessary materials one cannot accomplish one's intentions; make bricks without straw; without considering the supply of materials and fuel; 无米作炊 cook a meal without rice; make a silk purse out of a sow's ear; make bricks without straw; make omelettes without breaking eggs; make sth. without the things needed; 无冕之王 an uncrowned king; 无免赔率 irrespective of percentage; 无面目见江东父老 feel ashamed to see again people of one's home town; 无面值股份 non-par value share; 无面值股票 shares of no par value; “no-par value” shares; 无明火 fury; anger; 无明火起 flare up for no reason at all; Dark wicked wrath rises in one's heart.; One's heart becomes a burning mass of passions which cannot be extinguished; 无名 nameless; unknown; indefinable; indescribable; {穴位} Wuming (Extra 18); 无名孽火 unaccountable anger; wicked wrath; 无名鼠辈 be a pack of worthless rats; 无名小卒 a cipher; a man of no mark; a mere nobody; a nobody; be a nothing;nonentity; 无名业火 irrepressible anger; 无名英雄 unknown hero; nameless hero; unsung hero; 无乃 [书] wouldn't that be ...; 无耐受力 aphoresis; 无奈 cannot help but; have no alternative; have no choice but; however; 无奈出此 be compelled to do; 无奈他何 without being able to do anything about one; 无能 incompetent; incapable; 无能为力 incapable of action; can do nothing for sb. (about sth.); cannot do anything to help; helpless; powerless; 无镍不锈钢 {冶} nickelless stainless steel; 无农不稳 Without agriculture, the rural economy could not be stable.; 无辔之驹 unharnessed horse; without restraints of any kind; 无偏无党 hold the scales even; avoid leaning to either side; impartial; unbiased; without bias and without favour; without prejudice and partisanship; 无期贷款 perpetual loan; 无奇不成书, 无缘不相逢 There is no true fairy-story without a miracle, and no meeting without predestination.; 无奇不有 Nothing is too strange (in the world).; all sorts of conceivable fantasies; an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena; [谚] Pigs might fly.; strange things of every description; 无忌 a surname; 无牵无挂 without a tie in the world; be free of all constraints and attachments; have no cares; 无千无万 thousands and tens of thousands of; 无前 unmatched; invincible; unprecedented; 无墙大学 university without walls; 无巧不成书 There is no story without coincidences.; as luck would have it; What a coincidence!; 无情 merciless; ruthless; heartless; inexorable; 无情感 ameleia; 无情无义 show ingratitude for favours [kindness received]; heartless; 无穷 infinite; endless; boundless; inexhaustible; {数} infinite; 无穷大 infinite; infinitely great; infinity; 无穷无尽 inexhaustible; boundless; endless; from everlasting to everlasting; have no limit; infinite; last forever; unfailing; 无穷小 {数} infinitesimal; infinitely small; indefinitely small; 无穷远 infinity; 无求于人 need no help from others; be one's own master; independent; 无权 have no right; 无拳无勇 have neither fighting skill nor courage; be without strength and courage; 无缺 intact; undamaged; 无仁无义 be with neither a sense of humanity nor of right; 无人 unmanned; uninhabited; unmanned; depopulated; self-service; 无人不晓[知] All the world knows.; known to all; 无人称 {语} impersonality; 无人对证 There's nobody to testify against [expose]...; 无人分忧 There's nobody to share one's troubles.; 无人敢挡 Everyone shrank and recoiled before (him).; None could withstand (him).; 无人驾驶飞机 push-button plane; pilotless plane; drone; {航空} pilotless aircraft; unmanned plane; robot plane; 无人区 depopulated zone; no man's land; 无人问津 No one shows any interest in...; be left without anybody to care for it; go begging; Nobody cares to ask about ...; (From that time forth) no further attempts were made.; There weren't any buyers.; 无人之境 a place where there is no one; a place where no one puts up a resistance; 无任 [书] extremely; immensely; 无任所大使 ambassador-at-large; 无日 not a single day; 无日期 undated; 无容讳言 need not conceal mentioning; be straight forward [forthright; candid; outspoken]; not hesitant to call a spade a spade; not to mince words; put it bluntly [plainly; frankly]; 无肉斋饼 Lenten pie; 无如 but; however; 无色 achromatic colour; colourless; 无伤大体 do not hurt the important essentials; not affect the overall situation; not matter much; 无伤大雅 not hurt the important essentials; involving no major principle; not affect the whole; not matter much; unimportant defects; 无商不活 Without commerce, the rural economy could not be vigorous.; 无商业价值 no commercial value; 无上 supreme; paramount; highest; 无上佳美 the highest pitch of perfection; 无上无下 regardless of above or below; 无舌 aglossate; 无社会性 asociality; 无神论 atheism; 无甚出入 as broad as (it is) long; not much discrepancy; 无声 noiseless; silent; 无声电影 silent film; 无声无息 soundless and stirless [motionless]; accomplish nothing and have no influence on the external world; without any sound; 无声无臭 be completely unknown [unrecognized]; a person who is unknown to fame and without notoriety; be of no reputation; obscure; soundless and odourless; 无生带 azoic zone; 无生命 abiosis; 无生物 thing; inanimate object; nonliving matter; 无师自通 learned without teacher; self-taught; 无时无刻 every hour and moment; all the time; at any moment; at all times; every minute; incessantly; without a moment's pause; 无始无终 lacking beginning and end; eternity; timeless; without beginning and ending; 无事不登三宝殿 never go to the temple for nothing; I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't something to ask of you.; never go to sb.'splace except on business, for help, etc.; No one comes to the Hall of Trinity without a reason.; would not go to sb.'s place except on business, for help, etc.; 无事故运行 uninterrupted service; 无事可做 There is no more to be done.; 无事空忙 (make) ado about nothing.; be busy about [with] nothing; bay [bark at] the moon; busy oneself with nothing; 无事生非 make trouble out of nothing; be deliberately provocative; create problems where none exists; make much ado about nothing; make the fur fly; make uncalled-for trouble; start trouble when things are quiet; stir up trouble; 无事张皇 scared for nothing; much ado about nothing; much cry and little weal; 无事自扰 make a fuss about nothing; be more scared than hurt; make much ado about nothing; tempest in a teapot; worry oneself over nothing; 无视 ignore; disregard; defy; 无数 innumerable; countless; infinity; myriad; uncounted; not know for certain; be uncertain; 无霜(的) frostless; 无双 unparalleled; unrivaled; matchless; peerless; 无双国士 a man of superior talent; 无水 {化} anhydrous; 无税货物 non-dutiable goods; 无私 selfless; disinterested; unselfish; selfforgetful; 无私方无畏 Fearlessness stems [comes] from selflessness.; One can be fearless only when one is selfless.; Only the selfless is fearless.; 无私无虑 free from care; happy-go-lucky; 无私无畏 be selfless and fearless; 无私有弊 Being in an awkward position, one who has no corrupt practices, is liable to be under suspicion.; susceptible to accusations of irregularities due to poor handling although no irregularities are involued; 无损耗 lossless; non-loss; 无损检验 nondestructive testing; nondestructive test; 无损探伤 {冶} nondestructive inspection; nondestructive test; 无梭织机 {纺} shuttleless loom; 无所不会 can do everything; 无所不会, 无所不能 There is nothing one cannot do and nothing one is not able to do.; can do anything; 无所不用其极 resort to every conceivable means; employ the meanest of tricks; go to any length; pursue everything to its brutal end; resort to extreme measures; stop at nothing; use every trick up one's sleeve; 无所不在 omnipresent; ubiquitous; 无所不至 stop at nothing; by every possible means; do everything to ...; in every possible way; penetrate everywhere; spare no pains to ...; 无所不包 Everything is contained therein.; all-embracing; all-encompassing; all-inclusive; leave nothing unincluded; Nothing is left out.; 无所不能 be equal to anything; all-powerful; All things are possible.; almighty; be capable of doing anything; nothing which can not be done; There is nothing one cannot do — omnipotent.; 无所不谈 say (out) one's say; talk about everything under the sun; 无所不通 There is nothing (which) one does not understand.; There was no feat of which he was not capable.; 无所不为 stop at nothing; as wicked as possible; commit all manner of crimes; do all kinds of bad things; do all manner of evil; do just as one pleases; go all [to all] lengths; go to any length; There is nothing which he does not do — in the way of evil.; 无所不有 Nothing needed is lacking.; have all; have everything; 无所不知 know everything; know every subject [profession]; omniscient; There is nothing which one does not know.; 无所措手足 do not know how to move hand and foot — not knowing what to do; be at a loss as to what to do; have nowhere to put hand or foot; 无所反顾 never look back; 无所顾忌 go all lengths; have nothing to fear; hesitate at no act; stop at nothing; unscrupulously; without scruple; 无所顾虑 be free from all anxiety; 无所忌惮 without restraint; stick at nothing; 无所事事 have nothing to do; be at an idle end; be at loose ends; be occupied with nothing; do nothing; have no occupation; idle away one's time; 无所适从 not know what course to take; be at a loss as to what to do; be at sea; nothing to follow; with no definite plan to follow; without knowing whence or whither; 无所畏忌 stop at nothing; 无所畏惧 be fearless [dauntless; undaunted]; be not afraid of anything; have nothing to fear; utterly without fear; 无所谓 cannot be designated as; not deserve the name of; be indifferent; not matter; 无所依归 have no one to depend on and nowhere to live; 无所依据 nothing to prove; nothing to base on; 无所依恋 nothing to be reluctant to leave; be nothing to be regretted at parting; heart-free; 无所依仗 have nothing to rely upon; 无所遗憾 have no regrets; 无所萦怀 have nothing lingering in one's heart; 无所用心 not give serious thought to anything; be indifferent to anything; be unconcerned; happy-go-lucky; have an empty head; without doing thinking; without using the brain; 无所作为 attempt nothing and accomplish nothing; be in a state of inertia; do nothing; have no high ideals; not inspiring; There is nothing which one can do.; vegetative; 无弹性 nonelastic; 无碳不锈钢 carbon-free stainless steel; 无碳复写纸 NCR (no carbon required); 无碳钢 carbon-free steel; 无题 no title; 无(标)题音乐 titleless music; absolute music; 无甜味葡萄酒 dry wine; 无条件 unconditional; without preconditions; unreserved; 无痛 analgesia; anodynia; aponia; 无头案 a case without any clues; unsolved mystery; 无头告示 make a statement but name no names; 无头公案 a mystery case without clues; 无头无脑 completely without clue; The causes are not apparent.; without any clue; 无头无尾 with neither head nor tail; without beginning or end; without clues; 无土苗栽植 culture of truncated plants; 无土农业 soilless agriculture; 无土栽培 soilless culture; 无外汇出口 export without foreign exchange; 无外汇进口 import without foreign exchange; no-draft import; 无往不利 be benefited in every way; [谚] All water runs to his mill.; be ever successful; carry all before one; everything prospers with; go [run] smoothly everywhere; lucky in every endeavour; 无往不胜 be ever-victorious in one's forward march; be all conquering [invincible]; carry all before one; 无往不在 present everywhere; omnipresent; 无望 hopeless; 无望之福 unexpected luck; 无妄之灾 an accident; an undeserved catastrophe [ill turn]; unexpected calamities [misfortune]; 无微不至 considerate right down to the most trivial detail; lavish every care on; in every possible way; meticulously; never came short in the smallest details; (attention, influence) reaches everywhere; take every care of sb.; to the last atom; without any detail not taken care of; 无为 letting things take their own course (a Taoist concept of human conduct); inaction; inactivity; 无为而治 govern by doing nothing that goes against nature; 无味 tasteless; unpalatable; dull; insipid; uninteresting; 无畏 fearless; dauntless; unscared; unafraid; 无谓 meaningless; pointless; senseless; 无污染 pollution-free; non-pollution; 无屋顶 hypethral; 无物 devoid of content; 无误 errorless; error free; without error; 无锡小泥人 {工艺} small Wuxi clay figurines; 无息 interest-free; 无隙可乘 have not yet found openings to exploit; leave no room for; no chink in sb.'s armour; no crack to get in by; no weakness to take advantage of; without any chance to seize hold of; 无隙释放 no-slot release; 无瑕可谪 cannot find any slightest flaw [fault] for criticism; flawless; perfect; 无暇 have no time; be too busy; 无先例可援 have no precedent to go by; 无纤维菜豆 brittle bean; 无贤不肖 not virtuous; unworthy; 无限 infinite; limitless; boundless; immeasurable; unlimited; 无限大 infinite; infinity; infinitely great; 无限额计件工资 nonrestrictive piecework wage; 无限期 indefinite duration; 无限上纲 exaggerate sb.'s mistakes to the maximum; 无限小 {数} infinitely small; infinitesimal; 无限性 unlimitedness; 无限制 unrestricted; unbridled; unlimited; 无线 wireless; 无线电 radio; wireless; 无线电报 radiogram; radiotelegraphy; aerogram; radiotelegram; radio telegraph; telegraph radio; hertgian telegraphy; 无线电波 radio wave; airwave; 无线电话 radio telephone; radiophone; 无线电台 radio station; 无线电网 {讯} radio net; 无线寻呼[无线传呼] radio pagers; 无线装订 perfect binding; thermoplastic binding; {刷} unsewn binding; 无效 of no avail; to no avail; invalid; null and void; nullity (合同等的); in vain; unavailability; ineffectiveness; inefficiency; futility; flop; 无懈可击 with no chink in one's armour; be hard to fault; be unable to find any chinks in sb.'s armour; invulnerable; leave no room for criticism; no one can find any fault with; nothing to object to; unassailable; with no ground for blame; with no weakness to exploit; 无屑加工 {机} chipless process; chipless machining; 无新股息 ex new; new share off; 无心 not be in the mood for; not intentionally; unwittingly; inadvertently; unintentionally; acardia; 无心恋战 have no desire to continue fighting; have no heart for further fighting; 无信号 no signal; zero signal; 无信用 faithlessness; 无形 invisible; intangible; imperceptibly; virtually; 无形之手学说 invisible-hand doctrine; 无形中 imperceptibly; virtually; invisibly; 无形资产 intangible assets; invisible capital; invisible property; incorporeal assets; invisible assets; 无行 [书] wicked; villainous; 无行为能力 incompetence; legal to go by; 无性花 vegetative flower; asexual flower; 无性系 clone; 无休无止 without end [cessation]; ceaseless; endless; 无休止 ceaseless; endless; 无袖(的) sleeveless; 无需费心 need not take any trouble about; need not trouble oneself with; 无须 need not; not have to; unnecessary; 无(顺)序 out-of-order; {晶} disorder; {计} unordered; 无压 non-pressure; {电} no-voltage; 无牙 anodontia; anodontism; agomphosis; agomphiasis; 无涯之戚 a sorrow of infinity; 无烟工业 smokeless industry; 无烟火药 smokeless powder; ballistite; 无烟煤 anthracite; anthracite coal; anthraciferous coal; kilkenny coal; blind coal; glance coal; hard coal; stone coal; 无烟炸药 axite; 无盐膳食 salt-free diet; 无言可答[对] can say no more and be silent; have nothing to say in reply; have not a word to say in return; 无言可讳 undeniable; 无言以对 have nothing to say in reply; quite at a loss to [for a] reply; speechless; unable to find an answer; 无颜见江东父老 no face [too ashamed] to go back home to see one's elders; 无颜见人 be ashamed to look at people in the face; fly from the face of men; have no face to see sb.; not have the face to appear in public; 无沿便帽 skullcap; 无沿圆帽 tam-ó-shanter; 无氧 anaerobic; 无恙 in good health; safe and sound; well; safe; 无业 unemployed; without property; 无医无药 There are neither doctors nor medicine.; 无依无靠 have no one to depend on [turn to]; be alone in the world; be left forlorn and without a protector; friendless and helpless; have nothing to depend on; have nowhere [no one] to turn to for help and support; have no one to support for living; with nobody [no family] to fall back on; 无遗嘱继承 intestate succession; 无疑 beyond doubt; undoubtedly; 无以复加 incapable of further increase; at its height; blithering; can add no more; could not be surpassed; have done one's worst; in the extreme ; in the height of; not to be surpassed; nothing more to be added; the best [worst] of its kind; to a fault; 无以为报 unable to make any recompense; unable to compensate a person for help; unable to repay a kindness; 无以为答 unable to answer; 无以为对 not to know how to answer [reply]; 无以为力 difficult to be of help; 无以自容 be ashamed of oneself; 无艺 [书] having no norms; lawless; limitless; 无义之师 an unjust army; 无意 have no intention (of doing sth.); not be inclined to; inadvertently; unwittingly; accidentally; 无意识 unconscious; automatic; 无意于此 be not in the vein for it; not keen on it; not interested in that; 无意之中 unintentionally; accidentally; by chance; 无益 unprofitable; useless; no good; 无异 not different from; the same as; as good as; 无翼导弹 finless missile; 无翼而飞 wingless but has flown away; disappear without trace; fly without wing; have grown wings; spread fast; spread like wild fire; vanish all of a sudden; 无垠 boundless; vast; 无影灯 {医} shadowless lamp; astral lamp; 无影无形 immaterial; impalpable; incorporeal; without a trace; without form or substance; 无影无踪 Not the least trace was found.; disappear completely; fly to the winds; gone clean; not a trace to be seen; there is no sign of ...; vanish without a trace; without any trace or sign; without a trace; 无影照明 shadowless lighting; 无映像 aniconia; 无应力 {物} unstressed; 无庸 need not; a surname; 无庸讳言 no need for reticence; be frank; 无庸置喙 not be allowed to meddle in; brook no intervention; not allow others to butt in; 无庸置疑 admit of no doubt; doubtless; 无庸赘述 It's unnecessary to go into details.; 无用 useless; of no use; 无用鼠辈 be just a bunch of softies; 无用武之地 lack scope for their abilities; have no proper working post where one can give full play to one's skills or professional knowledge (As a result, many young intellectuals lack scope for their skills.); 无用之才 a useless talent; 无忧花 asoka; asak; asok; 无忧无虑 be light of heart [light-hearted]; a carefree type without a single worry; freedom [free] from care; without sorrow and anxiety; 无由 [书] not be in a position (to do sth.); have no way (of doing sth.); 无油真空 oil-free vacuum; 无有其匹 without equal; 无虞匮乏 no fear of deficiency; 无余 Nothing is left.; 无雨即雪 If it did not rain it snowed.; 无与伦比 incomparable; be without rival; beyond challenge; defy all comparison; head and shoulders above others; lick all creation; matchless; None [no one] can compare with ...; There is no comparison with ...; There is none to compare to [with] ...; unique; unparalleled; without equal; 无与匹敌 be without a rival [parallel]; peerless; unique; 无欲则刚 One can be austere if he has no selfish desires.; 无阈逻辑 non-threshold logic; 无冤无仇 without any ill feeling; on good terms; 无原则 unprincipled; 无援 helpless; 无源 {无} passive; 无源之水 water without a source; 无源之水,无本之木 (like) water without a source and a tree without roots; 无缘 without lot or luck by which people are brought together; have not had the luck (to do sth.); 无缘无故 It is without rhyme or reason.; for no reason at all; for nothing at all; neither rhyme nor reason; without (any) cause or reason; 无远勿届 There was no place where one did not go [visit].; reach everywhere; 无怨无仇 have no enmity against sb.; 无怨无德 have no blame nor benevolence; 无约束 unrestraint; absence of restriction; 无月经 {生理} amenorrhea; amenorrhoea; 无韵诗 blank verse; 无载体 carrier-free; 无噪声 {电} noiseless; 无债一身轻 Out of debt, out of danger.; Out of debt, out of burden.; To owe nothing, to bow to nobody.; When the debts are paid, the body feels light.; 无照经营 unlicensed business activities; 无遮大会 meeting open to all; the big meeting of alms giving to monks and laymen; 无征不信 not credible unless supported by evidence [reference]; 无征之言 unfounded statement [assertion]; baseless talk; 无政府主义 anarchism; 无政府状态 anarchic state of social production; anarchy of production; 无证商贩 sellers without licences; 无知 ignorant; 无知觉 imperception; 无知识 inscience; 无知妄说 ignorant twaddle; ignorant nonsense; 无知妄为[作] foolish action; 无知无识 be devoid of the most common knowledge; 无知之徒 an ignorant fellow; 无执照营业 interlope; 无止境 have no limits; know no end; 无止无休 without cessation [end]; ceaseless; endless; 无中生有 fabricate rumors [myths]; a sheer fabrication out of nothing; churn out cock-and-bull stories; come out of thin air; create groundless rumors; create [beget; make] sth. out of nothing; fabricated; fabricate rumors out of thin air; fasten a crime on sb. when there is none; make up; manufacture [invent] ... out of thin air; produce sth. where nothing should be; purely fictitious; 无昼无夜 day and night; 无主句 {语} sentence with no subject; 无主失物 waif; 无主物 derelict; 无追索权 without recourse; 无资格 disqualification; 无自知之明 overestimate oneself; have too high an opinion of oneself; ignorant of one's own limitations; lack of self-knowledge; not have a proper appraisal; suffer from self-delusion; 无自制力 acrasia; 无足挂齿 not worth mentioning; don't mention it; 无足轻重 be of little [no] importance [consequence]; be insignificant; be of no account; count for little [nothing]; not to matter a farthing [a hoot; two hoots; a rap; a sixpence; a straw]; signify little; 无足为奇 not to be wondered at; No wonder that...; 无阻 undamped; unobstructed; unimpeded; 无组织 inorganization; 无罪 innocent; not guilty