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单词 chop
释义 chop1 /tjop; tjap/ vt, vi (-pp-) [VP6A, 15A, B] ~ (up) (into), cut (into pieces) by blow(s) with an axe or other edged tool: (用斧或其他有刃的工具) 砍; 劈; 剁: He was ~ ping wood, cutting wood into sticks. 梢在劈柴。 Meat is often ~ ped up into cubes before being cooked. 肉在烹煮之前常切成小块。 He ~ ped a branch off the tree. 他从树上砍下一树枝。 I'm going to ~ that tree down. 我要把那极树砍亩 I。 We had to ~ a way (— make a path by ~ ping) through the undergrowth. 我们必须在矮商林市砍伐出一条路来。 [VP3A] ~ at sth. aim a cutting blow at. 向某物砍去。




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