释义 |
族zú ❶ (家族) clan: 宗 ~ tribe; clansman; 同 ~ the same clan; 合 ~ all the members of a clan; the whole clan ❷ (古代的一种酷刑) a death penalty in ancient China, imposed on an offender and his whole family, or even the families of his mother and wife ❸ (种族; 民族) race; nationality: 斯拉夫 ~ the Slav nationality; 蒙古 ~ the Mongolian race ❹ (事物有某种共同属性的一大类) a class of things with common features or attribute: 水 ~ aquatic animals; 猫 ~ the cat tribe; 语 ~ a family of languages; 碳 ~ carbon family ◆族类 of the same clan or race; 族谱 pedigree of a clan; 族权 clan authority; clan power; 族人 clansman; 族树 {计} family tree; 族长 clan elder; the head of a clan |