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单词 point
point/pɔ ɪnt/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)尖,端 (sharp end of anything; tip) [C] (常用于合成词): the~of a pin/knife/pencil 针/刀/铅笔尖;a needle-/sword-/nail-~针/剑/钉子尖;the~of the jaw 腭端(拳击中的打击目标);sharpen a stake to a~削尖一根木桩;Do you have a pencil with a sharper~? 你有更尖一点的铅笔吗?The lighthouse is on the southern~of the island. 灯塔位于岛的南端。at gun~被枪口逼着;〖同〗tip;
 (2)岬角(long narrow piece of land sticking out into the sea) [C](常cap): fishing off the~在岬角外面的海上捕鱼;sail round the~绕岬角航行;Pagoda P~帕格达角;Battery P~巴特里角;〖同〗cape;
 (3) 1)句号;小数点 (small round dot or mark eg as a full-stop or as a marker of decimals etc) [C]: a full~句号;The first figure after the decimal~indicates tenths. 小数点后第一位数字代表十分位。When we read out 5.34 we say “five~three four.” 5.34读作五点三四。2) 小光(亮)点 (very small area or spot of light or colour)[C]: stars seen as~s of light in a dark sky 在夜空中闪烁的点点繁星;
 (4)(几何学中的)点 ((in geometry) imaginary spot or place that has position but no size) [C]: AB and CD interact at~P.AB与 CD相交于P点。
 (5) 地点(方)(particular place or position) [C] (常用于合成词): a rallying/meeting~ 集会/会合地点;an assembly~ 集合地点;The missile can strike at almost any~on the globe. 导弹能打到地球上几乎任何地方。We stopped at all the~s of interest. 所有的旅游点我们都停下来参观了。When we reached this~on the road we stopped to rest. 我们到达途中这个地点时,停下来休息。〖同〗spot,place,site,location,position;
 (6)(时间上的)一点,瞬间 (particular moment or time) [C U]: at this~(在)这时;From that~the journey became even more difficult. 从那一时刻开始,旅途变得更加艰难。We've come to the point where we can't stand his argument any longer. 我们已经到了再也不能容忍他的观点的地步了。When it came to~, she refused to help. 紧要关头,她拒绝给予帮助。at the~of death 在临死之际;on the~of leaving 就要离开;exercise to the~of exhaustion 锻练至极度疲劳;bring the economy to crisis~使经济到了危机的边缘;〖同〗stage,phase,period,moment,instant;
 (7) 1)(刻度表上任意的)一点,度 (any definite position as on a scale; degree) [C] (常用于合成词): boiling/freezing/melting~沸/冰/溶点;reach the danger~达到危险的地步;〖同〗degree,stage,position,condition; 2)分,点 (unit in a system of measurement value scoring etc) [C]: The pound rose/went up/fell several~s today. 今天英镑上涨/上涨/下跌了几个百分点。We won by three~s to two. 我们以三比二的比分取胜。They need two more~s to win the game. 他们还要再得两分才能取得比赛的胜利。ons 通过积分(而不是通过将对方击倒) 在拳击比赛中取胜;Extra~s are scored for difficult questions. 难题有附加分。Temperature has gone up two~s. 温度上升了两度。〖同〗mark,degree,score;
 (8)(罗盘上的)主方位,罗经点 (any of 32 marks on a compass showing direction) [C]: the cardinal~s 主方位(即北、东、南和西);send out search-parties to all~s of the compass (fig) 向四面八方派出搜索小组;
 (9)要点;项目;细节 (individual idea of sth said done or planned; single item or detail) [C]: the main~s of a story/a discussion/a speech/an argument 故事/讨论/发言/辩论的要点;~s of difference/similarity/agreement/disagreement 不同/相同/相同/不同点;One~in favour of sb's plan is... 一种同意某人计划的观点是…… There are one or two~s in your speech that I didn't quite understand. 你的发言中有一两个论点我不太懂。explain a theory~by~逐条解释一理论;~s on which we agreed to differ 我们同意保留各自意见的那些细节;Here's a~you may have overlooked. 这个细节你可能忽略了。〖同〗detail,item;
 (10)看法,观点,道理 (thing said as part of a discussion; effective argument) [C]: take sb's~非常理解某人的观点;make an interesting~提出一个有趣的观点;You've got a~there. 你的话极有道理。carry/gain one's~说服某人同意自己的观点;
 (11)特点(征) (particular feature or characteristic) [C]: That's my strong/weak~. 那是我的优/缺点。All students have their good and bad~s. 所有的学生都有他们各自的长处和短处。Her best~s as a secretary are... 作为秘书她最大的长处是 ……〖同〗feature,quality;
 (12)正题 (matter under discussion; essential thing) [C the~]: stop discussing trivial details and come/get to the~停止讨论枝节问题并转入正题;come direct/right to the~直接切入正题;keep wandering off/away from the~不断偏离正题;
 (13)(故事,笑话,议论等的)要点,寓意,主旨;理由;目的;价值 (essential meaning main feature (of a story joke remark etc reason; purpose; value) [U a~]: get/see/miss/understand the~of sb's last remark 懂/理解/未能抓住/领悟某人最后说的话的要点;a story/remark with a(some/no/little)~(to it) 有(有一些/没有/没有什么)寓意的故事/话;That's not the~. 那不是理由。What's your~in doing that? 你做那件事的目的是什么?There's no~in arguing further/wasting time. 再争论下去也没有什么用/浪费时间没道理。There's not much~in complaining. 抱怨没有多大的用处。〖同〗purpose,object,end,reason;essence;
 (14)有效果,尖刻 (effectiveness; forcefulness) [U] (fml): His remarks have~. 他的评语很犀利。His speech was quite interesting, but its argument lacked~. 他的讲话很有趣,但其论据缺乏说服力。
 (15)(装在墙上等的)电源插座 (electric socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put) [C] (常用于合成词): a lighting/power/cooker~照明/动力/电饭煲电源插座;a 13-amp~13安培的电源插座;There is only one electrical~in the room. 房间里只有一个电源插座。〖同〗socket;
 (16)(芭蕾舞)足尖 ((in ballet) tips of the toes) [pl]: dancing on~s 以足尖跳舞;
 (17)(铁路上的)道岔 (levers and rails at a place where two tracks join or separate) [pl](BrE)(=AmE switch): change/switch the~s 扳道岔;a~lever/mechanism 道岔扳手/结构;
 (18)(板球)靠近击球手的外场员(位置) ((in cricket) fielder near the batsman on the off side; his position) [C; U a~];
 (19)(印刷用或计算机屏幕上字体大小的单位)点,磅 (unit of measurement of type-size in printing or on a computer screen) [U] (用于数字后构成合成词): 6-~is small and 18-~is large. 6磅的铅字小,18磅的铅字大。change the text to 12~. 把文本字体改为12点(磅)。
 at the point of a sword gun etc 用剑(枪)逼着: force sb at the~of a gun to stand against the wall 用枪逼着某人靠墙站着;
 beside the point 不相关,不切正题: The student received low marks for his essay, as much of it was beside the~. 那学生的作文分数很低,因为他的作文基本上文不对题。
 give sb points (at sth) (在比赛中)让分给对方但仍取胜: give sb~s at golf/chess 在高尔夫/象棋比赛中让分给对方但仍然胜出;
 have one's points 具有某种优良的品质: I suppose coffee has its~s, but I prefer tea. 我想咖啡有其优点,但我更喜欢茶。
 if/when it comes to the point 到该采取行动(作出决定)时: I'm sure when it comes to the~, he won't sacrifice his interests for his principles. 我敢肯定,到紧要关头时,他不会为了坚持原则而牺牲自己的利益。
 in point of fact 事实上,实际上: He's over fifty. In~of fact his fifty-third birthday falls on August 3rd of this year. 他50多岁了。事实上,今年8月3日是他53岁生日。
 make one's point 详细解释自己的想法(建议): All right, you've made your~;now keep quiet and let him say what he thinks. 好了,你已经解释了你的想法。现在你别说了,让他说说他是怎么想的。
 make a point of doing sth 必定或总是做某事: I make a~of turning out the lights before I leave. 我总是在离开之前把灯都关上。
 on the point of doing sth 正要做某事: youngsters who are on the~of choosing a career 即将选择职业的年轻人;I was on the~of going to bed when you rang. 我正要上床睡觉时你打来了电话。
 a point of departure 1)出发的时间或地点; 2)(事物的)起(出发)点(fig): take Das Kapital as a~of departure for the survey of Marxism 把《资本论》作为概括研究马克思主义的出发点;
 a point of honour/conscience 为了面子/良心必须做的事: It was a~of honour with him to pay his bills promptly. 为了面子他都是立刻付清账单。
 the point of no return 1)航线临界点;2)处于箭在弦上不得不发(只能进不能退)的状态(fig): They realized that the meal was going to be very expensive, but having already sat down at the table they had reached the~of no return. 他们意识到饭菜可能会很贵,但是,已经坐在桌边了,不想吃也得吃了。
 a point of order (正式讨论会等的)议程问题: Mr. Chairman, I would like to raise a~of order. 主席先生,我想提一个有关议程的问题。
 a/one's point of view 态度,观点: There was not really much difference in their~s of view. 他们的观点没有什么真正的差别。
 take sb's point 理解并接受某人的观点:“Nothing can be done at all until we get the money.” “Yes, I take your~.” “在我们拿到钱之前什么也干不了.”“不错,我同意你的观点。”
 to the point 切题,中肯: He asked us to be brief and to the~as he had little time to spare. 他要求我们简明扼要,因为他时间不多。Your advice was very much to the~. 你的建议很中肯。
 to the point of sth 达到……程度: (sb's manner) be abrupt to the~of rudeness (某人的态度)粗鲁到了无礼的地步;
 up to a (certain) point 在某种程度上: You're right, but only up to a (certain)~. 你是对的,但仅仅是在一定的程度上。
 →′pointless adj 无意义的;′pointlessly adv 无意义地;′pointlessness n无意义;′point-duty n (交通警察在固定岗位上的)执勤,站岗;′pointsman n (铁路的)扳道工;(有固定岗位的)交通警察;͵point-to-′point n 定点越野赛马;adj 点对点的;
 v (1)1)指(向,着) (aim one's finger a stick etc towards sb or sth in order to cause sb to look or to show direction or position) [I I+prep(at/to)]: It's rude to~. 用手指指人是不礼貌的。The child was~ing at the animals, shouting with excitement. 孩子指着那些动物,兴奋地喊叫着。The teacher~ed to a place on the map and asked the children to name it. 老师指着地图上的一个地方让孩子们说出地名。~to a ship on the distant horizon 指向远处地平线上的一条船;A compass needle always~s (to the) north. 指北针的指针永远指向北方。a sign~ing to the way out 指示出路的指示牌;The clock hands~ed to five. 时钟的指针指在5点。〖同〗direct, aim; 2)表明,预示 (suggest the strong possibility of; indicate) [I+prep(to)]: His conduct~s to an ulterior motive. 他的举动表明他别有用心。All the signs/The evidence~ed to an early election/his guilt. 一切迹象/证据表明要提前大选/他有罪。〖同〗show,indicate;
 (2)使指向(aim or direct sth) [T+n T+n+prep(at/towards)]:~one's fingers (at sb/sth) 用手指指(某人/物);~a gun at sb/a target 用枪对着某人/对准目标;~a telescope at/towards the moon 将望远镜对准月亮;〖同〗aim,direct, guide;
 (3)朝(面)向 (face or be turned in a particular direction) [I+prep I+adv]: a street sign that~s down towards the cemetery 指示公墓方向的路牌;A hedgehog's spines~backwards. 刺猬的刺都朝后。
 (4)强调,加强(giveadd force to; stress) [T+n]: a story that~s a moral 强调教益的故事;He~ed his remarks with apt illustrations/examples. 他用适当的图示/例证来加强他的陈述。(road accident)~the need for more careful driving (交通事故) 突出说明小心驾驶的必要性;
 (5)用水泥嵌(勾抹) (墙缝等) (fill in the spaces between the bricks of (a wall etc) with cement) [T+n]:~a wall/a chimney/a house 为墙/烟囱/房子勾缝;
 (6)(猎犬)站住以头指向猎物((of a hunt-ing dog) show where a hunted animal or bird is by standing very still and directing the nose at the hiding place) [I];
 point the finger (at sb) 公开指责(某人)(infml): The company was forced to~the finger at him after all the trouble that he had caused. 他惹了那些麻烦后,公司被迫公开指责他。
 point the way (to/towards sth) 展示(某物)未来发展的可能性: (economic reforms)~the way to a more prosperous future (经济改革)可能会使未来更加繁荣;
 point out (to sb) (v adv) (向某人)指出(vt):~out a mistake 指出错误;Please~out to me where I went wrong. 请给我指出我的错误之处。
 point up (v adv) 清楚说明(vt): The increase in crime~s up the need for greater police protections. 犯罪的增加清楚地表明需要警方更多的保护。
 →′pointed adj 尖(有尖头)的;有针对性(所指)的;(言语等)尖刻(锐)的;′pointedly adv 有针对性地;直截了当地;′pointer n 指示者(物);指针;线索,暗示,点子;′pointing n (勾抹墙缝等用的)水泥或灰浆





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