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单词 baby
baby/′beɪbi/ n [-yies / ɪz/]; vt [-yies /z/; -yied, -yied /d/]

n (1) 婴儿(孩) (very young child esp one who can not yet walk or talk) [C]:Some~ies cry during the night.有的婴儿夜晚常哭。The mother was nursing her~.母亲正在给婴儿喂奶。a~boy/girl男/女婴;~carriage (AmE) 婴儿车;~tooth 乳牙;〖同〗infant;〖反〗adult;

(2) 幼畜(鸟) (very young animal or bird) [C]:a~elephant /monkey /crocodile /thrush 小象/猴/鳄/画眉;

(3) 最年幼者 (youngest person or animal of a family or group) [C] (infml):Which of you is the~of the team/the class/the bridge club?你们中谁是全队/全班/全桥牌俱乐部年龄最小者?Although she is ten, she is still treated as the~of the family.尽管她都10岁了, 家里人仍把她当成吃奶的孩子。

(4) 孩子气的人 (a person who behaves in a very childish way) [C] (derog):Stop crying and don't be such a~about it. 别哭了, 不要这么孩子气。

(5) 宝贝 (person esp a girl or young woman) [C] (尤AmE) (sl):Don't worry,~; I'll think of something. 别担心,宝贝,我会想出办法的。

(6) 小型的 (very small of its kind) [作attrib]:a~car/grand 微型车/小型钢琴;

→′babyhood n 婴儿状态;婴儿时代;′babyish adj 稚气的;适合婴儿的;′baby-minder n 长期保姆;′baby-sit v 当临时保姆;′baby-sitter n 临时保姆;′baby-snatcher n 拐骗婴儿的女人;′baby-talk n 儿语;′baby-faced adj胖娃娃脸的;

vt 当婴儿对待,溺爱 (treat sb as if he or she were a baby) [T+n] (infml):Don't~the boy. 不要娇惯孩子。





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