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单词 chlorine
释义 chlorine /'klxrim; 'kbrin/ n [U] (chem) greenish-yellow, bad-smelling poisonous gas (symbol Cl), obtained from common salt (= sodium chloride), used as a sterilizing agent and in industry. (化)氯(黄绿色有臭味毒气,化学符号 C1, 自普通盐即氯化钺中提出,用作消毒剂及用于工业中)。 chlor-in.ate /'klanneit; 'kbnznet/ vt treat, sterilize, with ~: 以氯处理或浦毒: chlorinated water, water purified from disease germs by this treatment. 以氯消毒过的水。 chlorination /,klo: ri'neijn; zkbn'nejdn/ n chloroform /'klorsfam US: 'klar-; 'klorayform/ n [U] thin, colourless liquid formerly given, in the form of vapour, to make a person unconscious during a surgical operation. 氯仿; 哥罗仿; 三氯甲烷(稀薄无色液体,昔时经汽化用于外科手术作麻醉剂)。




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