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单词 旁若无人

旁若无人傍若无人páng ruò wú rén

act as if there was no one else present—self-assured;supercilious; as if nobody else (besides oneself)counts;have no regard for others; in total disregard of other people; overweening; unself-consciously;behave in a natural way
❍ 城门内外,有二十余百姓,低头洒扫,傍若无人。(《三国演义》824) Just inside the gates a score of persons with their heads down were sweeping as if no one was about.
❍ 遂共戏十万一掷,直上百万数,投马绝叫,傍若无人。(刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》) Whereupon they played together at one hundred thousand points a throw,and were soon up into the millions. As Tan threw his winning counters down,he would shout at the top of his lungs as though no other person were present.
❍ 道静~的倔强劲,江华微笑不语的沉稳劲,和任雨田那个探头探脑煞有介事的滑稽劲,引起了全屋子人更大的笑声。(杨沫《青春之歌》252)Daojing’s detachment and firmness,the smiling composure of Jiang Hua,and the comic sight of Wu’s swivelling head and pompous solemnity set the whole room laughing even louder.
❍ 王猛拜见桓温时,“扪虱而言,~。” (《周恩来青年时代诗选·送蓬仙兄返里有感注(一)》8) Wang Meng,in his interview with Governor Huan Wen,discoursed eloquently upon state affairs while nonchalantly catching the lice on his coat in total disregard of other visitors.
❍ 今与张郃相拒五十余日,酒醉之后,便坐山前辱骂,傍若无人: 此非贪杯,乃败张郃之计耳。(《三国演义》605) He is face to face with Zhang He,and has been for nearly two months,and day after day he drinks and rages and insults his enemy openly. He treats him with most perfect contempt. But this is not only the wine-cup; it is a deep plan to get the better of Zhang He.
❍ 她霍地站了起来,~似的挤到冯云卿他们身边,…… (茅盾《子夜》328) She stood up impulsively,moved unself consciously across to Feng Yunqing,…


act as if there was no one else present—self assured (or supercilious,overweening)

旁若无人pánɡ ruò wú rén

好象旁边没有人。形容高傲;形容专心致志的样子;也形容态度很自然。self-assured or supercilious, have no regard for others, completely informal





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