施shīⅠ ❶ (实行; 施展) execute; carry out: 无所 ~ 其技 no chance (for sb.) to play his tricks; 他们一计不成, 又 ~ 一计。 Their first ruse having failed, they tried another. ❷ (给予) exert; impose: 己所不欲, 勿 ~ 于人 do not do to others what you would not have them do to you; do as you would be done by; ~ 压力 exert pressure ❸ (施舍) give; hand out; bestow; grant: 乐善好 ~ always glad to give to charities; ~ 恩 bestow favour ❹ (用; 加上) use; apply: ~ 底肥 apply fertilizer to the subsoil; ~ 粉 powder; 一亩地要 ~ 多少肥? How much fertilizer should be applied on one mu of land? Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 耐庵 Shi Nai'an ◆ 施放 discharge; fire; 施肥 spread manure; apply fertilizer; fertilize; 施工 be in the process of construction; be under construction; build; construction; 施工管理 construction management; 施工进度 construction progress; 施工组织设计 organization design of construction; 施计 play tricks; 施加 exert; bring to bear on; impose; 施礼 salute; 施力 {物} application of force; 施舍 give alms; give in charity; 施事 {语} the doer of the action in a sentence; agent; 施威 exhibit one's power; show severity; display one's power; 施行 go into effect; put in force; execute; apply; perform; enforce; carry out; put sth. in practice; implement; 施用 use; employ; apply; 施与 grant; bestow; 施斋 give food to monks or nuns; 施展 put to good use; give free play to; 施政 administration; 施主 alms giver; benefactor; {物} donor; donor impurity; {电子} electron donor
施yí [书] ❶ (斜) slant: 日 ~。 The sun is slanting. ❷ (曲折前行) advance along a tortuous path; zigzag 另见 see also shī; shǐ; yì。
施yì [书] ❶ (蔓延) stretch out: 葛兮覃兮, ~ 于中谷(诗经)。 Kudzu vine stretches deep into the valley (the Book of Poetry). ❷ (延续) go on; last; continue: 功 ~ 至今。 His merits and virtues have been lasting up to the present day. 另见 see also shī; shǐ; yǐ。 |