方针方法fānɡ zhēn fānɡ fǎPrinciples & Methods残障者特殊教育[cán zhànɡ zhě tè shū jiào yù] education for the handicapped 成人教育[chénɡ rén jiào yù] adult education 程序教学[chénɡ xù jiào xué] programmed instruction 初等教育[chū děnɡ jiào yù] primary/elementary education 德才兼备[dé cái jiān bèi] equal stress on integrity and ability 德育[dé yù] moral education/culture 儿童教育[ér tónɡ jiào yù] children’s education 感化教育[ɡǎn huà jiào yù] reformatory/training education 高等教育[ɡāo děnɡ jiào yù] higher education 高等普通教育[ɡāo děnɡ pǔ tōnɡ jiào yù] liberal education 个别教授[ɡè bié jiào shòu] respective/differentiated teaching 工艺教育[ɡōnɡ yì jiào yù] technical education 公民教育[ɡōnɡ mín jiào yù] civic education 古典教育[ɡǔ diǎn jiào yù] classical education 国防教育[ɡuó fánɡ jiào yù] frontier education 国民教育[ɡuó mín jiào yù] national education 函授教育[hán shòu jiào yù] correspondence course 互教互学[hù jiào hù xué] teach and learn from each other 基本教育[jī běn jiào yù] fundamental education 家庭教育[jiā tínɡ jiào yù] home education 渐减提示法[jiàn jiǎn tí shì fǎ] fading; vanishing 建教合作[jiàn jiào hé zuò] cooperative system 交换教学[jiāo huàn jiào xué] teaching exchange 矫正教育[jiǎo zhènɡ jiào yù] corrective education 教书育人[jiāo shū yù rén] educate the person as well as impart book knowledge 科学教育[kē xué jiào yù] science education 美育[měi yù] aesthetic culture 民众教育[mín zhònɡ jiào yù] people’s education 平民教育[pínɡ mín jiào yù] education for the masses 评鉴教学[pínɡ jiàn jiào xué] appraise the teaching and learning 普及教育[pǔ jí jiào yù] universal education 普通教育[pǔ tōnɡ jiào yù] ordinary/general education 启发式[qǐ fā shì] method of elicitation/enlightenment 强迫教育[qiánɡ pò jiào yù] compulsory education 全面发展[quán miàn fā zhǎn] all-round development 扫除文盲[sǎo chú wén mánɡ] eliminate illiteracy 善于施教[shàn yú shī jiào] skilful in departing knowledge 社会教育[shè huì jiào yù] social education 深入浅出[shēn rù qiǎn chū] explain profound theories in simple language 实验教育[shí yàn jiào yù] experimental education 实业教育[shí yè jiào yù] business education 使学习生动活泼[shǐ xué xí shēnɡ dònɡ huó pō] liven up the studies 世俗教育[shì sú jiào yù] secular education 视听教育[shì tīnɡ jiào yù] audio-visual education 讨论式[tǎo lùn shì] method of discussion 特殊教育[tè shū jiào yù] special education 体育[tǐ yù] physical education/training 通俗教育[tōnɡ sú jiào yù] education for the masses 义务教育[yì wù jiào yù] compulsory education 因材施教[yīn cái shī jiào] differentiation & adaptation to suit the teaching to the ability of pupils; teach students in accordance with their aptitude 由浅入深[yóu qiǎn rù shēn] from the shallower to the deeper; from the easier to the more advanced 由易到难[yóu yì dào nán] from the shallower to the deeper; from the easier to the more advanced 有教无类[yǒu jiào wú lèi] teach everyone without prejudice 诱导教育[yòu dǎo jiào yù] incentive education 职业技术教育[zhí yè jì shù jiào yù] vocational and technical education 职业教育[zhí yè jiào yù] vocational/trade education 智育[zhì yù] intellectual culture; mental training 中等教育[zhōnɡ děnɡ jiào yù] secondary education 重点突出[zhònɡ diǎn tū chū] give prominence to the key points 专门教育[zhuān mén jiào yù] special education 宗教教育[zōnɡ jiào jiào yù] religious education |