方fānɡⅠ ❶ (方形;方体) square:正 ~ square; 长 ~ rectangle ❷ {数} (乘方) involution;power:平 ~ square; 立 ~ cube;2的3次 ~ 是8。 The cube of 2 is 8. 2的4次 ~ 是16。 The fourth power of 2 is 16. ❸ (方向) direction:四面八 ~ in all directions; 天各一 ~ (of a family or friends) separated far away;live far apart from each other; 东 ~ the east; 前 ~ the front ❹ (方面) side;party:双 ~ both sides [parties];对 ~ the other party;the opposite side; 我 ~ our side ❺ (地方) place;region;locality:远 ~ a remote place;~ 音 local accent ❻ (方法) method;way:教导有 ~ exercise good teaching; 千 ~ 百计 by all kinds of methods;in a hundred and one ways; 多 ~ in various ways ❼ (方子) prescription:验 ~ proved recipe; 偏 ~ 儿 folk prescription; 处 ~ make out a prescription ❽ (姓氏) a surname:~ 以智 Fang Yizhi Ⅱ ❶ (方的) square:~ 塔 a square tower;~ 括号 a square bracket;~ 桌 a square table; 两米见 ~ two metres square ❷ (正直) upright;honest;fair-minded:品行 ~ 正 have an upright character; 外圆内 ~ smooth on the surface,firm at heart Ⅲ ❶ (正在;正当) just;just then;at the time when:来日 ~ 长 there will be a time for that;~ 今 at present;nowadays ❷ (方才) just now:如梦 ~ 醒 as if just awakening from a dream; 年 ~ 十八 be just eighteen years old Ⅳ ❶ (用于方形物):一 ~ 手帕 a handkerchief ❷ (平方或立方的简称):土石 ~ cubic metres of earth or stone work; 一 ~ 木材 a cubic metre of lumber; 铺地板10 ~ lay 10 square metres of wooden floor ◆方案 scheme;plan;programme;project;proposal;suggestion;formula;scenario;outline; 方案预测 program prediction; 方便 convenient;handy;[口] go to the lavatory;[婉] have money to spare or lend; 方便面 instant noodle; 方便食品 fast food; 方便生活 provide amenities for the people;bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life;make life easier for the population;offer ready service to;provide better service to;provide people with door-to-door service; 方便用户 convenience of users; 方便之门 convenient ways;the door is thrown wide open for;convenience; 方步 measured steps; 方材 hew;lumber;square-edged timber;timber;square cut; 方才 just now; 方铲 square spade; 方程(式) {数} equation; 方锤 plane set-hammer; 方寸 square cun [书] heart; 方寸不乱 in one's right mind;sane;self-possessed; 方寸未定 be undecided what action to take;One's mind is in a state of drift.; 方寸无主 confused in mind and not know what to do; 方寸已乱 One's heart is already upset.;greatly excited [agitated];One's heart is confused [troubled].;with one's heart troubled and confused;with one's mind in a turmoil; 方锉 square file; 方凳 square stool; 方法 method;means;way;technique;process;procedure;plan;device;recipe;fashion;tool;maneuver; 方沸石 cubicite;cuboite;analcidite;analcime;anacite; 方格 check; 方剂 {中医} prescription;recipe; 方块 diamond;block; 方块图符号 block diagram symbol; 方块字 Chinese characters; 方框 square frame; 方括号 square brackets; 方脸突额 have a prominent forehead and a broad face; 方料 square stock; 方面 respect;aspect;side;field; 方面大耳 have a dignified face and big ears — a handsome man;square face and big ears; 方面军 front army; 方木 lumps of wood; 方木耙 butt rake; 方钳 square tongs; 方枘圆凿 put a round peg in a square hole;like a square tenon for a round mortice — at variance with each other;a person unsuited to the position he fills; 方式 way;fashion;pattern; 方式灵活,便利客商 diversified practices and efficient services; 方士 necromancer;alchemist; 方书 {中医} medical formulary; 方穗小麦 squarehead wheat; 方糖 cube sugar;lump sugar; 方田 surveying of land; 方庭 (方厅) quadriporticus; 方头巾 kerchief;manta; 方头螺钉 square head screw; 方头螺栓 {工} coach bolt;square-head bolt;lag bolt; 方脱虎穴,又陷龙潭 be out of the frying pan into the fire; 方外之交 make friends with monks; 方尾平底渔船 dory skiff; 方尾鱼 squaretail; 方位 position;bearing;direction;points of the compass;placement; 方位和距离 azimuth-range (azran); 方位角 angle of position;position angle;azimuth angle;bearing angle; 方位-距离显示器 azimuth range indicator; 方向 direction;orientation; 方向舵 {航空} rudder;vertical rudder; 方向角 direction angle; 方向图 directional diagram;directivity diagram; 方向性 directivity;directionality; 方兴未艾 be just unfolding;be in the ascendant;be still growing;be still making progress;It is about in full swing with no signs of slowing down.;It is new in the initial stages of development with no prospect of weakening.;It is well under way without signs of slackening,decline,etc.; 方形 square;tetragonum; 方行天下 travel all over the world; 方言 dialect;localism; 方言土话 dialects of various places; 方以类聚 make friends of the same disposition; 方以类聚,物以群分 Like attracts like and birds of a feather flock together.; 方圆 circumference;neigh ̄bourhood;surrounding area; 方圆难合 Square and round can not be fixed together;a square peg in a round hole;a round peg in a square hole — ill-fitting; 方丈 Buddhist abbot;abbot's room; 方针 policy;guiding principle;orientation; 方针性规定 policy regulations for; 方阵 square matrix;matrix;square array; 方正 upright and foursquare;upright; 方趾圆颅 a creature with rectangular feet and a round head — a human being;round skull and square toes — men in general; 方柱 square column; 方字 square cards for learning Chinese characters; 方子 prescription;directions for mixing chemicals;formula
方fēnɡ (响度的单位) unit for measuring the loudness of sounds 另见 see also fānɡ;fánɡ;pánɡ;wǎnɡ。 方fang【方言】ten thousand yuan 方fāngprescription; formula |