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单词 新闻用语

新闻用语xīn wén yònɡ yǔNews Terms

半官方消息 [bàn ɡuān fānɡ xiāo xī] semi-official announcement
报社特稿供应处 [bào shè tè ɡǎo ɡōnɡ yìnɡ chù] syndicate
不登载 [bù dēnɡ zǎi] kill (a story/news)
不予置评 [bù yǔ zhì pínɡ] no comment
丑闻 [chǒu wén] scandal
传闻 [chuán wén] hearsay
吹捧性广告 [chuī pěnɡ xìnɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào] blurb
大新闻 [dà xīn wén] hot news
当地新闻 [dānɡ dì xīn wén] local news
低俗新闻 [dī sú xīn wén] yellow sheet
独家新闻 [dú jiā xīn wén] beat; scoop
非正式消息 [fēi zhènɡ shì xiāo xī] informal announcement
官方消息 [ɡuān fānɡ xiāo xī] official announcement
国际新闻 [ɡuó jì xīn wén] international news
国际新闻协会 [ɡuó jì xīn wén xié huì] International Press Institute
国内新闻 [ɡuó nèi xīn wén] domestic/internal news
过时新闻 [ɡuò shí xīn wén] old news
号外 [hào wài] hot news; extra edition
花边新闻 [huā biān xīn wén] box news
花絮 [huā xù] tidbit; titbit
滑稽新闻 [huá jī xīn wén] comic news
黄色新闻 [huánɡ sè xīn wén] yellow sheet
舰队街 [jiàn duì jiē] [London] Fleet Street
教育新闻 [jiào yù xīn wén] educational news
经济新闻 [jīnɡ jì xīn wén] economic news
拒绝刊载 [jù jué kān zǎi] refuse publishing
据说 [jù shuō] it is said to be; it is said that
军事新闻 [jūn shì xīn wén] military news
可靠消息来源 [kě kào xiāo xī lái yuán] reliable source
快报 [kuài bào] dispatch
快讯 [kuài xùn] dispatch
秘密消息 [mì mì xiāo xī] secret message
内幕新闻 [nèi mù xīn wén] inside dope
农业新闻 [nónɡ yè xīn wén] farm news
普利策奖 [pǔ lì cè jiǎnɡ] Pulitzer Prizes
轻描淡写 [qīnɡ miáo dàn xiě] play-down; understatement
趣闻 [qù wén] titbit; tidbit
权威方面 [quán wēi fānɡ miàn] authorities
社会新闻 [shè huì xīn wén] social events
失实报道 [shī shí bào dǎo] inaccurate report
世界要闻 [shì jiè yào wén] world news in brief
特约报导 [tè yuē bào dǎo] special feature
特约通讯 [tè yuē tōnɡ xùn] special assignment
头条大新闻 [tóu tiáo dà xīn wén] big/top news
透露 [tòu lù] disclosure
无可奉告 [wú kě fènɡ ɡào] have nothing to add
显著标题 [xiǎn zhù biāo tí] eyebrow; highline; overline
现场新闻 [xiàn chǎnɡ xīn wén] spot news
消息灵通的 [xiāo xī línɡ tōnɡ de] well-informed
新闻背景 [xīn wén bèi jǐnɡ] background news; backgrounder
新闻电报 [xīn wén diàn bào] press telegram
新闻稿 [xīn wén ɡǎo] handout
新闻界 [xīn wén jiè] newspaperdom
新闻的可靠性 [xīn wén de kě kào xìnɡ] news accuracy
新闻客观性 [xīn wén kè ɡuān xìnɡ] news objectivity
新闻人物 [xīn wén rén wù] news maker; very important person (VIP)
新闻资料 [xīn wén zī liào] news data
信息自由流通 [xìn xī zì yóu liú tōnɡ] free flow of information
星期增刊 [xīnɡ qī zēnɡ kān] Sunday complementary copy
谣言 [yáo yán] rumor
要人 [yào rén] news maker; very important person (VIP)
舆论 [yú lùn] public opinion
珍闻 [zhēn wén] titbit; tidbit
政治新闻 [zhènɡ zhì xīn wén] political news
制造新闻 [zhì zào xīn wén] manufacture news
重要新闻 [zhònɡ yào xīn wén] lead/leading story; highlight
专电 [zhuān diàn] special dispatch
最新消息 [zuì xīn xiāo xi] latest news


newspaper language;journalism


journalist terms
大报broadsheet paper
快报express paper
刺人小报(黄色报)mosquito paper
新闻稿news release
记事报chronicle news
名记者ace reporter
本报记者(撰稿人)staff writer
专电(专讯) special dispatch
头条新闻headline news
小道消息back alley news;grapevine news
传闻新闻hearsay news
滚动报道running stories
无味的标题wooden head
招聘栏wanted column
招聘positions vacant
过期期刊back issue (or number)magazine dead magazine
文字编辑(美) copy reader
报业协会Newspaper Guild
特稿special report
预发稿advance story
现场报道(即兴播讲) ad-lib;ad-lib on the air
电视转播on-camera delivery
编辑主任managing editor
责任(执行)编辑executive editor
节目主持人anchorman; newscaster; broadcaster;host
谈话节目主持人talk-show host
联播节目主持人network anchorman(or host)
现场报道员floor reporter;anchorman
电视报道员TV reporter





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