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单词 plough
ploughAmE plow/plaʊ/ n & v

n (1)犁 (kind of large tool usu pulled by a tractor horses etc used on a farm to turn and break up the soil) [C]: The farmer's tractor pulls a~through the soil to turn it over.农民的拖拉机拉着犁翻地。under the~(指土地)用于耕种(而不用于放牧);

(2)类似犁的工具或机械(any tool or machine that works like this) [C](尤用于合成词): a snow-~(清除积雪的)雪犁;

(3)北斗七星 (group of seven bright stars visible only from the northern part of the world) [C the P~] (AmE Big Dipper)͵

(4)犁过的地,耕地(land that has been turned over with a plough) [U]: 200 acres of~ 200英亩犁过的地;

v (1)用犁翻耕(turn over (the earth) with a plough) [T+n T+n+adv(up)]:~a field 犁地;All the fields are now~ed up, ready for the seeds. 所有的地都已翻好,可以播种了。

(2)(使)考试不及格 ((cause sb to) fail (an examination)) [I T+n](BrE)(sl):~one's finals 期终考试不及格;The examiners~ed more than one third of the candidates. 考官们让三分之一以上的投考者不及格。

plough a lonely furrow 孤独无援地工作: The few people who opposed the war were~ing a lonely furrow. 反对战争的少数几个人孤独地工作,无人支持。

plough back (v adv) 1)将秸秆或草等犁到地里化为肥料 (vt): The farmer~ed the vegetable leaves lying on the field back to enrich the soil. 农民将地上的菜叶子犁到地里去肥田。2)将(利润)再投资(vt) (fig):~back all the profits into increasing trade 将全部利润再投资发展贸易;

plough into (v prep) 撞上(vt): The car turned over twice, left the road, and~ed into a fence. 汽车翻了两个个儿,离开了路面,撞在围栏上。

plough (one's way) through 1)费力通(穿)过:~(one's way) through the deep snow 费力地走过深深的积雪;2)缓慢吃力地做某事:~through legal text books/a pile of documents/mountains of work 很费力地读法律书籍/看一堆文件/做堆积如山的工作;

→′ploughman, AmE ′plowman n 扶犁的人,农夫;′ploughshare, AmE ′plowshare (亦作 share) n 犁铧(头)





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