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❶ (刚出现的或刚经验到的) new; fresh; novel; up-to-date: 最 ~ (式)的 up to the minute; ~ 风尚 new custom [practice]; ~ 朋友 a new friend; a recent acquaintance; ~ 技术 new [up-to-date] technique; ~ 社会 the new society; 最 ~ 消息 the latest news
❷ (没有用过的) unused; new: ~ 衣服 new clothes; 拿出一根 ~ 绳子 take out an unused rope; 当一件东西被用过后, 就不再是 ~ 的了。 When a thing has been used, it is no longer new. 这架照相机是 ~ 的还是旧的 ? Is this camera new or secondhand?
❸ (结婚不久的) recently married: ~ 人 newlywed Ⅱ (新近; 刚) mewly; freshly; recently: ~ 建的工厂 a newly built factory; ~ 上油漆的门 a freshly-painted door; 他是 ~ 来的。 He's a new arrival. Ⅲ (使变成新的) make new; renew: 改过自 ~ reform oneself; correct one's errors and make a fresh start; 悔过自 ~ repent and start anew; 面目一 ~ take on an entirely new look; 一 ~ 耳目 present a new appearance Ⅳ ❶ (新的人或事物) new: 推陈出 ~ weed through the old to bring forth the new; 喜 ~ 厌旧 love the new and loathe the old; be fickle in affection
❷ (新疆) short for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Xin Ming Ⅴ [前缀] ne-; neo-: ~ 达尔文主义 Neo-Darwinism
◆新阿司匹林 novaspirin; 新阿托品 novatropine; 新奥尔良 New Orleans; 新版 new edition; 新编 newly organized; 新兵 new recruit; recruit; raw recruit; 新(发)病 neopathy; 新产品 new product; 新长征突击手 pace-setter in the new Long March; 新潮 a new wave; fashion; newfashioned; new tide; 新陈代谢 The new supersedes the old.; The old is superseded by the new.; assimilation of the new and excretion of the old; The old gives place to the new.; the supersession of the old by the new; the transition from the old order of the things to the new.; {生} the process of metabolism; metabolism; 新成员 newcomer; 新仇旧恨 all the old and recent grudges; new hatred and old; new hatred piled on old; new injustice as well as old; old and new scores; old scores and new; fresh animosity added to an old grudge; 新传统教育 new traditionary education; 新春 the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day; 新春贺岁 wish sb. a happy New Year on New Year's Day; 新词 neologism; 新村 {建} new residential quarter; new housing development [estate]; 新达尔文学说 neo-Darwinism; 新大陆 the New World; the Americas; 新大西洋宪章 New Atlantic Charter; 新袋鼠 caenolestid; 新的国际经济秩序 the new international economic order (NIEO); 新发明 new invention; [俚] gizmo; 新法西斯主义 neofascism; 新方法 new method; innovation; 新房 bridal chamber; 新妇 bride; 新工人培训学校 vestibule school; 新工业产品 new industrial product; 新工业国 new industrial state; 新构造运动 neotectonics; 新古典 new classics; neoclassical; 新股票 new shares [stock]; 新官上任 take a new official post; 新官上任三把火 A new official applies strict measures.; A new person makes many changes.; A newly appointed official works hard to show his efficiency.; A new broom sweeps clean.; A bride is diligent for three days.; A new official is vigorous only for a span.; 新观点 neodoxy; 新贵 upstart; 新国际组合 New International Round; 新航线试飞 route-proving flight; 新和 a surname; 新黑格尔主义 {哲} Neo-Hegelianism; 新花样(的) newfangle; 新花样设计 dodge; 新华社 the Xinhua News Agency; 新华夏构造体系 neo-cathaysian structural system; 新换旧条款 new for old clause; 新婚 newly-married; 新婚不如远别 Reunion after long separation is better than a wedding night.; The affection of an old couple after long separation is stronger than that of a newly-married couple.; 新婚夫妇 a newly married couple; newly-married; newlyweds; 新婚燕尔 (The minister wished) the couple joy [happiness] in their marriage.; happy wedding; newly married; happy wedding couple; newly ̄ weds; 新火庆典 new fire; new fire ceremony; 新基督教 Neo-Christianity; 新几内亚 New Guinea; 新技术 new technique; 新纪录运动 {工业} campaign for new records in production; 新纪元 new era; new epoch; 新加坡 Singapore; 新建 new-built; 新建、改建、扩建 building state enterprise and renovating and enlarging old ones; 新疆 Xinjiang; 新疆维吾尔自治区 the Xinjiang Uygur [Uighur] Autonomous Region; 新交 new acquaintance; new friend; 新交故知 new acquaintances and old friends—new and old friends; 新教 {宗} Protestants; Protestantism; 新教师 beginning teacher; new teacher; recruiting teacher; 新近 recently; lately; in recent times; freshly; newly; 新经典(的) neo-classical; 新经济 new economy; 新旧交替 the transition from the old to the new; The new replaces the old.; 新旧社会两重天 There is a world of difference between the old and the new society.; The new and the old society are as unlike as day and night.; 新旧约 Old and New Testaments (constituting the Bible); 新居 new home; new residence; 新局面 new situation; new dimension; fresh progress; 新举措 new measures; 新开 newly opened; new opening; 新开发 newly developed; new development; 新来乍到 newly arrived; have just arrived; 新来者 newcomer; 新郎 bridegroom; 新浪潮 New Wave; 新老 the old and new; 新老交替 replace old cadres with younger ones; supersession of the old by the new; succession of the new to the old; 新历旧历 new calendar and old calendar—solar and lunar; 新粒子 new particle; 新领域 frontier; hinterland; 新路子 new approach; new path [trail]; new method; 新麻黄 paredrine; 新马 remount; 新貌 new look; 新霉素 neomycin; fradicin; fradiomy ̄ cin; 新苗 [喻] bud; a new talent; a promising youth [child]; 新民主主义 new democracy; 新名 nome novum; 新名词 new term; new expression; vogue word; newfangled phrase; 新墨西哥 [美] New Mexcico; 新木 new wood; 新脑 neencephalon; neoencephlon; 新年 New Year; 新娘 bride; 新女性 new women; 新篇章 new page; new chapter; 新品迭出 New varieties are introduced one after another.; 新瓶装旧酒 old wine in a new bottle; the same old stuff with a new label; 新奇 strange; novel; new; newfangled; novelty; 新巧 strange and exquisite; 新青霉素 celbenin; dimethoxypenicillin sodium; methicillin sodium; 新区 newly liberated area; newly developed area; newly added district; 新人 people of a new type; new personality; new talent; bride; bride or bridegroom; newlywed; [拉] Homo sapiens; (马寅初写的)新人口论 “New Population Theory” by Ma Yinchu; 新人文主义 new humanism; 新人新事 new personalities and new deeds; new people and new deeds [things]; new people and new happenings; 新儒学 Neo-Confucianism; 新“三反” (1953) movement against the new “three evils”i.e., the struggle launched in 1953 against bureaucracy, commandism and violations of the law and of discipline; 新三年, 旧三年, 缝缝补补再三年 This suit of mine is six years old, but I can make it last another three years; 新杀菌素 neocidin; 新社会 the new society; 新生 newborn; newly born; new life; rebirth; regeneration; a new lease of [on] life; new student; new pupil; regeneracy; neogenesis; revitalization; 新生代 Kainozoic era; Cenozoic era; caenozoicus; Cainozoic; Cainozoic era; Cenozoic; Neozoic era; 新生儿 neonatus; neonate; stranger; brepho-; 新生力量 newly emerging force; new force; new rising force; new-emerging force; new-born force; new blood; 新生物 neoformation; neoplasm; 新诗 new poetry; free verse written in the vernacular; 新石器 neolith; 新时期 the new period; 新式 new type; latest type; new-style; modern; neoteric; up to date; 新事曲 {音} novelette; 新事物 innovation; new things; 新世界 New World; 新市镇 new town; satellite city [town]; 新收成 new crop; 新手 new hand; raw recruit; sprog; noviciate; tyro; green hands [horn]; neophyte; freshman; newcomer; [口] fledgling; 新书 new book; just published book; 新孙 a surname; 新胎儿 neofetus; 新天地 frontier; new field; 新亭对泣 weep face to face in the New Pavilion — worry about the confused state affairs; long for one's motherland; 新投资 new investment; {经} equity capital; 新钍 {化} mesothorium; 新维生素A neovitamin A; 新维生素B1 alinamin; 新文化运动 the New Culture Movement (around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919); 新文学 new-vernacular literature; new literature (Promoted by the May 4th Movement in 1919); 新闻 news; 新闻发布会 press conference; news conference; 新闻发言人 spokesman; 新闻记者 journalist; reporter; 新闻价值 news value; news worthiness; 新闻人物 newsmaker; man of the hour; news figure; person in the limelight; 新闻周刊 [美] News Week; 新西兰 New Zealand; 新西兰报联社 The New Zealand Press Association Inc. (NZPA); 新媳妇(儿) [口] bride; 新禧 Happy New Year; 新鲜 fresh; new; novel; strange; 新现实主义 neorealism; new realism; 新小说 [法] anti-roman; noveau roman; 新新霉素 novomycin; 新新闻学 new journalism; 新星 new star; {天} nova; temporary star; 新兴 new and developing; newly developing; burgeoning; rising; 新型 late-model; new type; new pattern; 新性发生 cenogenesis; caenogenesis; coenogenesis; 新修本草 Tang materia medica; 新秀 up-and-coming youngster; promising young person; 新学 new learning; 新穴 newly found extra acupoint; 新芽 sprouting; bud; 新烟草 new tobacco; fresh tobacco; 新羊毛 virgin wool; 新摇滚乐 new rock; 新药 new drug; 新医 new Chinese medicine (Chinese medicine integrated with Western medicine); Western medicine; 新医药学 new medicine and pharmacology; 新引种植物 neophyte; 新英格兰 New England; 新莺出谷, 乳燕归巢 (Her words were distinct and yet possessed such a continuous melody that they may be likened to) the song of a nightingale fresh from the forest, or to the tender twittering of a fledgling swallow returning to its nest.; 新颖 new and original; novel; originality; 新语言 newspeak; 新语言学 neolinguistics; 新垣 a surname; 新远霉素 neotelomycin; 新约 {基督教} the New Testament; 新月 crescent; {天} new moon; 新月如弓 The new moon looks like a bow.; 新月形 meniscus; crescent; lunar; crescent-shaped; 新增 newly increased; 新针疗法 new acupuncture; new acupuncture therapy; 新正 (正月) the first month of lunar year; the first moon; 新枝 {植} shoot; 新殖民地 neocolony; 新殖民主义 neocolonialism; new colonialism; 新址 new address; 新制度经济学 neoinstitutional economics; 新秩序 new order; 新装 new clothes; new look





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