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单词 awkward
awkward/′ɔ:kwəd, AmE ′-wǝrd / adj

(1)笨拙(不灵敏)的,不优雅的(having little skill or grace in moving (parts of) the body easily;clumsy):an~dancer/skier 笨拙的跳舞者/滑雪者;give an~performance 表演笨拙;an~gesture/movement 笨拙的姿势/动作;be~in one's movement 行动笨拙;be~with a knife and fork 拙于使用刀叉;The child is still~on its feet.这小孩走路还不利索。The seal/swan is very~on land.海豹/天鹅在陆地上很笨拙。〖同〗clumsy,unskilful;〖反〗skilful,graceful;

(2)设计(制作)得不好的,不好用的(badly designed or made for use;difficult to handle or manage):an~shape/door 难看的形状/别扭的门;an~instrument 不好用的工具;The door handle is in an~position.这门把手安的位置别扭。an~bundle to carry/axe to use 不好扛的一捆东西/不好用的斧子;be~to handle/to use 不好处理/使用;It is~to make the recipe.这食谱很难配。〖同〗unhandy,difficult,inconvenient;〖反〗handy,convenient;

(3)棘手的,令人尴尬(不便)的(causing difficultyinconveniencediscomfort of mind or embarrassment):an~time/date/moment 不方便的时间/日子/时刻;an~corner/bend to turn 不好拐的角/弯;put sb in an~position/situation 使人处境尴尬;ask an~question 问一个令人尴尬的问题;There was a long~silence before he answered the question.他回答那个问题之前沉默了很长时间,令人尴尬。I could say nothing.It was a bit~— there was someone else in the room.我没法说什么。当时不方便 —— 房间里有别人。〖同〗embarrassing,unpleasant,difficult,inconvenient;〖反〗pleasing,pleasant,comfortable;

(4)尴尬的,局促不安的(embarrassed;unnatrural or clumsyas in speechbehaviouretc):give an~laugh 尴尬地一笑;feel~and uncomfortable at the dance 在舞会上觉得尴尬不自在;feel shy and~with women 在女人面前感到难为情;the~age (将近成年前的)尴尬的年龄;

(5)难对付的,不随和的((of a person)difficult to deal with;troublesome)(尤BrE):Stop being so~! 不要再这么别别扭扭的了!It's very~of you not to play for the team tomorrow.你真别扭,明天竟然不为队里出场比赛!ancustomer 难以对付(或危险)的人(或动物);

→′awkwardly adv 笨拙地;尴尬地;′awkwardness n 笨拙;尴尬;






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