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单词 断鹤续凫

断鹤续凫duàn hè xù fú

try to shorten the neck of a crane and lengthen that of an owl—to go against nature
❍ ~,矫作者妄; 移花接木,创始者奇; 而况加凿削于心肝,施刀锥于颈项者哉? (《聊斋志异·陆判》) To chop short the crane’s legs and stretch the duck’s is the folly of artificiality,but grafting a flower to a tree is a marvel of creativity. How true these two statements are when vitals are to be hacked up and knives are to be wielded against necks!/一方面,我们要敢想敢干,另一方面,我们也不能~。On the one hand,we should dare to think and dare to act,but on the other,we should not go against natural law.

断鹤续凫duàn hè xù fú

截断鹤的长腿,接到野鸭的短腿上。比喻违背自然规律办事。go against nature, unnaturally





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