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单词 断章取义

断章取义duàn zhāng qǔ yì

quote in broken sentences (/out of context); damnable iteration;distort through garbled quotations; garble a state ment; make a deliberate misinterpretation out of the context; phrases torn out of context
❍ 这几句,~,却好象很伤了自己的心。(鲁迅《故事新编》53) In general he found nothing to object to,but his heart bled over certain phrases taken out of context,…/赋诗断章,余取所求焉,恶识字? (《左传·襄二十八年》1099) I am as if you break off from the whole ode one stanza of it,and sing it. I have taken what I desired to get;how should I have recognized the (common)ancestry?


quote (or take sentences,interpret)out of context;garble a statement or message,etc

断章取义duàn zhānɡ qǔ yì

比喻引证文章或谈话,只截取合乎自己意愿的一句两句,而不顾全篇文章或谈话的内容。interpret out of context, truncate, distort through garbled quotations, dredge sth. out of context





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