释义 |
断(斷)duànⅠ ❶ (分成段) break;snap:棍子 ~ 成两段。 The stick broke in two. 绳子 ~ 了。 The string broke. 树枝在积雪的重压下突然 ~ 了。 The branch snapped under all that snow. ❷ (断绝;隔断) break off;cut off;stop:~ 敌退路 cut off the enemy's retreat;~ 水 cut off the water supply; 与指挥部的联系 ~ 了 lose contact with headquarters ❸ (戒除) give up;abstain from:~ 烟 give up smoking;quit [stop] smoking ❹ (判断;决定) judge;decide:当机立 ~ decide promptly and opportunely;make a prompt decision; 诊 ~ diagnose Ⅱ [书] (绝对;一定) absolutely;decidedly:~ 不可信 absolutely incredible;~ 无此理 absolutely untenable [unreasonable];the height of absurdity Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname:~ 南 Duan Nan ◆断案 (审判案件) settle a lawsuit;{逻} (结论) conclusion (of a syllogism); 断编残简 stray fragments of text;fragments or remnants of a book,documents,etc.; 断层 fault;slip;slide;fracture;dislocation; 断肠 heart ̄broken; 断炊 run out of rice and fuel;can't keep the pot boiling;go hungry; 断代 division of history into periods; 断点 breaking point;breakpoint; 断电 interrupt;interruption of power supply;outage;blackout; 断定 conclude;form a judgment;decide;assertion;ascertain ̄ment;predicate;determine; 断断 absolutely; 断断续续 continue from time to time;intermittently;off and on;on and off;work in snatches; 断顿 can't afford the next meal;go hungry; 断根 be completely cured;effect a permanent cure; 断后 (走在最后的) bring up the rear;cover a retreat;(断绝子孙) have no progeny; 断乎 absolutely; 断交 (结束友谊) break off a friendship;(断绝外交关系) sever diplomatic relations;break off diplomatic relations; 断句 (读书时根据文义作的停顿) make pauses in reading unpunctuated ancient writings;(按停顿加圈点) punctuate; 断绝 break off;cut off;stop;sever; 断绝关系 break off all relations with ...;break off with sb.;cut off [break off] relations;have nothing to do with ...;repudiate any connection with ...;see the last of ...;sever connections [relations];wash one's hands of; 断绝往来 break off one's acquaintance with sb.;break off friendly relations;cut off communication(s);sever friendship;stop [break off] intercourse; 断开 break;discon;disconnect;disconnection;interrupt;off;open;opening;switch off; throw-off; turn-off; breaking;release connection;cut-off;cut-out; 断口 fracture; 断块 {地} fault block; 断粮 run out of grain;run out of food; 断裂 break;disrupt;flying-off;fracture;frag ̄mentation;out-break;rift;crack;bursting;rupture;rending;tearing;segmentation; 断流 setting off;cut-out;cut-off;blanking;blinding; 断路 broken circuit;open circuit;breakage;disconnection;break;circuit break;interruption of circuit;linear switching; 断路器 circuit breaker;cut-out switch;breaker;chopper;line breaker;disconnector;disconnecting switch;killer; 断面 section;fracture surface;plane of fracture; 断奶 (泌乳停止) ablactation;(使断奶) weaning; 断念 desistance; 断片 fragment; 断气 (停止呼吸) breathe one's last;die;(切断煤气) cut off the gas; 断桥 bridge cut-off; 断情书 a Dear John letter; 断然 (断乎) absolutely;flatly;categorically;(坚决 ;果断) resolute;drastic; 断然处置 manage resolutely;take the bull by the horns; 断乳 (泌乳停止) ablactation;delactation; (使断奶) weaning; 断送 forfeit (one's life,future,etc.);ruin; 断头 {纺} broken ends;ends down; 断头将军 a general who rather prefers to be beheaded than to surrender;a general who would rather [sooner] die than yield; 断头台 {政} guillotine;scaffold; 断尾 docking; 断弦未续 have not yet remarried after the death of one's wife; 断弦再续 replace the broken string on one's lute — to get remarried; 断线 breakage;disconnection;break; 断线风筝 a kite with a broken string — a person or thing gone beyond recall;a person or a thing that once away,is not heard of any more;(like) a kite which has broken away from its string;(as) a kite with a snapped string;a blown off kite; 断续 interrupted;chopping;make-and-break; 断续器 contact maker;interrupter;interruptor;make-and-break device;chopper;ticker;tikker;vibrator;interrupter; 断崖绝壁 broken ridges and steep cliffs; 断言 say with certainty;assert categorically;affirm;declare;state with certainty;affirmance;assertion;asseveration; 断语 conclusion;judgment; 断狱 settle a lawsuit; 断垣残壁 broken walls;desolate scene after an earthquake,bombard ̄ment,etc.;debris;devastated houses;tumbledown walls; 断章取义 interpret out of context;garble a statement;make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context;quote a remark out of its context (and leave out the main point); 断肢再植(术) {医} replantation of a severed limb; 断子绝孙 die without descendants;die sonless;May you die without sons.;May you be the last of your family line! |